Network Attacks and Exploitation
A Framework

1. Auflage August 2015
224 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Network Attacks and Exploitation provides a clear, comprehensive roadmap for developing a complete offensive and defensive strategy to engage in or thwart hacking and espionage. Written by an expert in government and corporate vulnerability and security operations, this guide helps you understand the principles of the space and look beyond the individual technologies of the moment to develop durable comprehensive solutions. Numerous real-world examples illustrate the concepts at work, including Conficker, Stuxnet, the Target compromise and more. You will find clear guidance toward strategy, tools, and implementation, with practical advice on blocking systematic computer espionage and the theft of information from governments, companies, and individuals.
* Understand the fundamental concepts of computer network exploitation
* Learn the nature and tools of systematic attacks
* Understand defensive strategy, and how current approaches fail to change the strategic balance
* Examine offensive strategy and how attackers will seek to maintain their advantage
For a clear roadmap to better network security, Network Attacks and Exploitation is your complete and practical guide.
Incorporate offense and defense for a more effective network security strategy
Network Attacks and Exploitation provides a clear, comprehensive roadmap for developing a complete offensive and defensive strategy to engage in or thwart hacking and computer espionage. Written by an expert in both government and corporate vulnerability and security operations, this guide helps you understand the principles of the space and look beyond the individual technologies of the moment to develop durable comprehensive solutions. Numerous real-world examples illustrate the offensive and defensive concepts at work, including Conficker, Stuxnet, the Target compromise, and more. You will find clear guidance toward strategy, tools, and implementation, with practical advice on blocking systematic computer espionage and the theft of information from governments, companies, and individuals.
Assaults and manipulation of computer networks are rampant around the world. One of the biggest challenges is fitting the ever-increasing amount of information into a whole plan or framework to develop the right strategies to thwart these attacks. This book clears the confusion by outlining the approaches that work, the tools that work, and resources needed to apply them.
* Understand the fundamental concepts of computer network exploitation
* Learn the nature and tools of systematic attacks
* Examine offensive strategy and how attackers will seek to maintain their advantage
* Understand defensive strategy, and how current approaches fail to change the strategic balance
Governments, criminals, companies, and individuals are all operating in a world without boundaries, where the laws, customs, and norms previously established over centuries are only beginning to take shape. Meanwhile computer espionage continues to grow in both frequency and impact. This book will help you mount a robust offense or a strategically sound defense against attacks and exploitation. For a clear roadmap to better network security, Network Attacks and Exploitation is your complete and practical guide.
Chapter 1 Computer Network Exploitation 1
Operations 4
Operational Objectives 5
Strategic Collection 6
Directed Collection 7
Non-Kinetic Computer Network Attack (CNA) 7
Strategic Access 9
Positional Access 9
CNE Revisited 11
A Framework for Computer Network Exploitation 11
First Principles 12
Principles 12
Themes 14
Summary 15
Chapter 2 The Attacker 17
Principle of Humanity 17
Life Cycle of an Operation 18
Stage 1: Targeting 19
Stage 2: Initial Access 22
Stage 3: Persistence 24
Stage 4: Expansion 25
Stage 5: Exfiltration 26
Stage 6: Detection 26
Principle of Access 27
Inbound Access 27
Outbound Access 29
Bidirectional Access 35
No Outside Access 35
Access Summary 36
Principle of Economy 37
Time 37
Targeting Capabilities 37
Exploitation Expertise 38
Networking Expertise 38
Software Development Expertise 39
Operational Expertise 40
Operational Analysis Expertise 40
Technical Resources 41
Economy Summary 41
Attacker Structure 41
Summary 43
Chapter 3 The Defender 45
Principle of Humanity 45
Humanity and Network Layout 46
Humanity and Security Policy 47
Principle of Access 48
The Defensive Life Cycle 49
Principle of Economy 51
The Helpful Defender 53
Summary 54
Chapter 4 Asymmetries 55
False Asymmetries 56
Advantage Attacker 59
Motivation 60
Initiative 61
Focus 62
Effect of Failure 62
Knowledge of Technology 64
Analysis of Opponent 64
Tailored Software 65
Rate of Change 66
Advantage Defender 67
Network Awareness 68
Network Posture 68
Advantage Indeterminate 69
Time 69
Efficiency 70
Summary 71
Chapter 5 Attacker Frictions 73
Mistakes 74
Complexity 74
Flawed Attack Tools 75
Upgrades and Updates 77
Other Attackers 78
The Security Community 80
Bad Luck 81
Summary 81
Chapter 6 Defender Frictions 83
Mistakes 83
Flawed Software 84
Inertia 86
The Security Community 87
Complexity 89
Users 91
Bad Luck 92
Summary 92
Chapter 7 Offensive Strategy 93
Principle 1: Knowledge 95
Measuring Knowledge 96
Principle 2: Awareness 97
Measuring Awareness 98
Principle 3: Innovation 98
Measuring Innovation 99
Defensive Innovation 100
Principle 4: Precaution 101
Measuring Precaution 103
Principle 5: Operational Security 105
Minimizing Exposure 106
Minimizing Recognition 107
Controlling Reaction 108
Measuring Operational Security 109
Principle 6: Program Security 110
Attacker Liabilities 110
Program Security Costs 112
Measuring Program Security 120
Crafting an Offensive Strategy 121
Modular Frameworks 124
A Note on Tactical Decisions 126
Summary 127
Chapter 8 Defensive Strategy 129
Failed Tactics 130
Antivirus and Signature-Based Detection 130
Password Policies 132
User Training 134
Crafting a Defensive Strategy 135
Cloud-Based Security 143
Summary 145
Chapter 9 Offensive Case Studies 147
Stuxnet 148
Access 148
Economy 149
Humanity 149
Knowledge 149
Awareness 149
Precaution 150
Innovation 151
Operational Security 151
Program Security 153
Stuxnet Summary 154
Flame 154
Gauss 157
Dragonfly 159
Red October 160
APT1 162
Axiom 164
Summary 165
Epilogue 167
Appendix Attack Tools 169
Antivirus Defeats 169
Audio/Webcam Recording 170
Backdoor 170
Bootkit 171
Collection Tools 171
Exploits 171
Fuzzer 172
Hardware-based Trojan 172
Implant 173
Keystroke Logger 173
Network Capture 173
Network Survey 173
Network Tunnel 174
Password Dumpers and Crackers 174
Packer 175
Persistence Mechanism 175
Polymorphic Code Generator 177
Rootkit 178
Screen Scraper 178
System Survey 178
Vulnerability Scanner 178
References 179
Bibliography 189
Index 193