Solidification and Crystallization
1. Auflage September 2004
X, 312 Seiten, Hardcover
204 Abbildungen
20 Tabellen
Understanding crystal nucleation and crystal growth forms the basis of quantitative modelling of solidification routes in e.g. casting and foundry processes in order to develop a predictive capability in the design of materials during solidification.
This book, based on a symposium held at EUROMAT 2003 aims to gives an overview on current developments in the research of solidification and crystallisation of liquids.
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Current interest in research of solidification of melts is focussed to understand crystal nucleation and crystal growth. They determine the solidified product with its physical properties. A detailed description of these processes lead to the development and validation of physical models, which may form the basis of quantitative modelling of solidification routes in e.g. casting and foundry processes in order to develop a predictive capability in the design of materials during solidification.
This book, based on a symposium held at EUROMAT 2003 aims to gives an overview on current developments in the research of solidification and crystallisation of liquids. The materials of interest range from metals and their alloys over semiconductors and isolators to organic substances.
Phase dissolution during heating
Rapid solid state transformation phenomena: massive transformation, bainite formation, martensite including crack formation of ceramics
Crystallisation of glass (metals, polymers, ceramics)
Phase transformations during service, diffusion couples/coatings/bonding
Der Aufschluss