The LIVING Supply Chain
The Evolving Imperative of Operating in Real Time

1. Auflage August 2017
224 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Creates a managerial compass for entering into the LIVING (Live, Intelligent, Velocity, Interactive, Networked, and Good) era of supply chain management and defines the imperative for creating Velocity and Visibility as the focal point for exploiting new digital, mobile, and cloud-based technologies
Written by well-known researchers in the field, this book addresses the changes that have occurred and are still unfolding at various organizations that are involved in building real-time supply chains. The authors draw on their experiences with multiple companies, along with references to the natural evolution of ecosystems throughout to help identify the "new rules of supply chain management." The LIVING principles associated with the rapid digitization and technology changes occurring in the global economy are discussed, along with the push to become more sustainable and responsive to customer needs. Utilizing the LIVING framework provides readers with a roadmap for transformation that explores the following questions: Live - Do you have a real-time (LIVE) view of your information?; Intelligent - Are you able to connect the essential leverage points in your network through cloud, mobile, and other mediums that provides a platform for analytics?; Velocity - Is your entire enterprise and network focused on moving assets faster than ever before in its history?; Interactive- Is there a common governance structure that defines how observations are translated into issues, monitored, validated, and translated into specific actions and responses?; Networked - Is your multi-enterprise supply chain networked in such a manner that a common and aligned view of business priorities and actions aligned with trusting relationships common to everyone?; and Good - Is your network seeking to create good by the application of transparency that can drive improved sustainability, integrity, human, and labor rights and expose fraud and counterfeit activities in your global supply chain?
In addition, this book:
* Features emerging trends that are shaping supply chain operations worldwide as well as impacting the global business landscape
* Covers a broad range of topics in real-time supply chains, fractal supply chains, and supply chain genome networks
* Offers comprehensive explanations behind major developments taking place in industry and references leading companies
* Presents the "new rules of supply chain management" that draw on those developed in the book The Serengeti Rules
* Uniquely presents the application of real-time data in addition to discussing practical and real-world challenges such as increased disruptions in supply chains, use of big data, and increased optimization using data
* Discusses traditional scholarly approaches along with the current phenomenon that are challenging many prescribed supply chain strategies
The LIVING Supply Chain: The Evolving Imperative of Operating in Real Time is an ideal reference for professionals and practitioners in supply management, logistics, computer science, analytics, statistics, operations research, and industrial engineering. This book can also be used as a supplement for MBA-level courses in supply chain management.
Introduction xvii
Chapter 1: The LIVING Supply Chain 1
Chapter 2: LIVE! Transparency as a Core Operating Value 25
Chapter 3: INTERACTIVE! The Emergence of Federated Supply Chain Networks 53
Chapter 4: VELOCITY! Working Capital: The Overlooked Asset 81
Chapter 5: INTELLIGENT! Linking the Genomes of Products in Your Supply Chain 111
Chapter 6: NETWORKED! Co-Evolution and Co-Innovation in Federated Supply Chains 129
Chapter 7: GOOD! The Ability to Build Balanced Supply Chains 153
Chapter 8: The Future of Supply Chains 175
Index 197
TOM LINTON is Chief Procurement and Supply Chain Officer at Flex. A recognized industry and functional expert, he has 30 years of international industrial experience in procurement and supply chain management. Tom Linton is also the recipient of the Procurement Leaders Lifetime Achievement Award in May, 2017.