Earth Pressure
1. Auflage November 2019
414 Seiten, Hardcover
259 Abbildungen
24 Tabellen
After describing the development of earth pressure theory, the book concentrates on the current basis for calculations. It offers a collection of working instructions for foundation and structural engineers in construction companies, consultants and in building supervision.
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The subject of earth pressure is one of the oldest and most extensive chapters in soil mechanics and foundation engineering and is one of the pillars of structural engineering. First the development of earth pressure theory is comprehensively described. The descriptions range from the first approaches to the determination of earth pressure through continuum mechanical earth pressure models to the integration of earth pressure research into the disciplinary structure of geotechnics.
The main part of the book comprises a selection of current calculation basics. The aim is to provide a collection of working instructions for foundation and structural engineers in construction companies, consultants and in building supervision as well as students. In order to further theoretical understanding, the essential basics of the determination of earth pressure are first presented. Then the most important processes for active and passive earth pressure and at-rest earth pressure for practical application are dealt with, with spatial effects also being taken into account. The book sets out to provide brief information about rarely encountered questions with references to further literature. In recent years, the dependency of earth pressure on displacement has been paid ever more attention. This applies not just to the passive but also to the active case.
Questions are repeatedly passed to the DIN committee "calculation processes". A selection of these is dealt with in the commentary to DIN 4085, which came out in September 2018.
The history of earth pressure theory is supplemented by 40 selected short biographies of scientists and practical engineers, who have taken up the subject and further developed it over the years. The book also has two appendices with terms, formula symbols and indices as well as earth pressure tables.
2 The history of earth pressure theory
3 Methods for the determination of earth pressure
4 Active earth pressure under plane strain conditions
5 At-rest earth pressure
6 Passive earth pressure under plane strain conditions
7 Spatial active earth pressure
8 Spatial passive earth pressure
9 Influence of groundwater on earth pressure
10 Compaction effects on earth pressure
11 L- and T-cantilever retaining walls
12 Silo pressure
13 Dynamic loading
14 Particular cases
15 Mobilisation of earth pressure
16 Application rules
17 Commentary on DIN 4085:2017-08
18 Forty selected brief biographies
Appendix A -Terms, symbols, indices
Appendix B - Earth pressure tables
Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Karl-Eugen Kurrer was editor in chief of the journals ?Stahlbau? (1996-2018) and ?Steel Construction ? Design and Research? (2008-2018). Since 1996, Kurrer has chaired the working group on the history of technology at the VDI (Association of German Engineers) in Berlin. For more than 40 years, he has carried out research on the subject of history of civil engineering and in 2018 published the book ?The History of the Theory of Structures. Searching for Equilibrium?, a standard work of the construction history.