Applied Process Control
Essential Methods
1. Auflage August 2016
480 Seiten, Hardcover
280 Abbildungen
20 Tabellen
The basic working knowledge for the practicing engineer: All the methods you need to know to effectively address and solve process control issues in industry.
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Focusing on the practical implementation of the methods of process modelling and control, this book provides readers with rapid access to the methods described, while including the theoretical background necessary.
Throughout, the essential knowledge is built up from chapter to chapter, starting with laying the foundations in plant instrumentation and control. Modelling abilities are then developed by starting from simple time-loop algorithms and passing on to discrete methods, Laplace transforms, automata and fuzzy logic. In the end, readers have the means to design simple controllers on the basis of their own models, and to use more detailed models to test them.
With its clarity and simplicity of presentation, and illustrated by more than 200 diagrams, this book supports self-study and teaches readers how to apply the appropriate method for the application required, and how to handle problems in process control.
Bridging theory and practice, over 200 exercises and solutions can be found in the accompanying "Applied Process Control: Efficient Problem Solving", to develop the problem-solving abilities of process engineers.
Basic Elements used in Plant Control Schemes
Control Strategy Design for Processing Plants
Estimation of Variables and Model Parameters from Plant Data
Advanced Control Algorithms
Stability and Quality of Control