Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy Cover Authored by the experts who developed the technique, the first book dealing exclusively with this re.. Product #: 978-3-527-34135-1 Regular price: $120.56 $120.56 Auf Lager

Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy

Reynaud, Emmanuel G. / Tomancak, Pavel (Herausgeber)


1. Auflage März 2024
416 Seiten, Softcover
38 Abbildungen (36 Farbabbildungen)
14 Tabellen

ISBN: 978-3-527-34135-1
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim


Authored by the experts who developed the technique, the first book dealing exclusively with this revolutionary imaging technology serves as an easy-to- understand introduction while providing numerous valuable insider tips and tricks.

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Destined to set the standard, the first book dealing exclusively with this revolutionary and novel imaging technology serves as an easy-to- understand introduction while offering numerous tips and tricks.
Adopting a practical approach, the authors who developed this actual technique provide a comprehensive, hands-on overview of the basics of light sheet fluorescence microscopy, instrumentation, applications, sample preparation, and data analysis. As a reflection of the uncompromisingly interdisciplinary nature of the topic, they merge their expertise in physics, biology, and computer science, giving valuable insider tips taken from their work at major manufacturers.
The result is in-depth information on hardware and software solutions for a straightforward implementation of LSFM in the lab.

Physics of Light Sheet-based Fluorescence Microscopes (e.g. Light Sheet formation, Optics, Detectors)
Overview of the Flavors of Light Sheet Microscopy (e.g. Arrangements of Optical Axes, Schematics, Commercial Set-ups, Extensions to Other Modalities)
Driving the Microscope and Open Access Electronics (e.g. Software to Pilot Light Sheet Microscopes (MicroManager), Arduino Solutions)
"Do It Yourself" Light Sheet based Microscope (e.g. OpenSPIM/OpenSPIN/LegoSPIM)

Sample Handling and Preparation (Including Sample Chamber Designs, Sample Positioning)
Clearing of Biological Tissues For Light Sheet Microscopy
Operation of Light Sheet-based Fluorescence Microscopes (Including In Multi-user Environment)

Image Processing of Multi-view Data (Registration, Fusion, and Deconvolution))
Visualization of Big Image Data (e.g. Local and Remote Viewing, 3D Rendering, Annotation)
Information Technology of Big Data Handling (e.g. Compression, Storage, Transfer)
Extracting Information From Light Sheet Datasets (e.g. Image Analysis Such As Atlas Registration, Segmentation, Tracking)

Applications In Developmental Biology
Applications In Cell Biology
Applications In Neurobiology
Applications In Biodiversity

Imaging Platform Integration
Laboratory Integration
IT Supports
Emmanuel Reynaud has been Stokes Lecturer in Biology at University College Dublin, Ireland, since 2009. He received his Master's degree in molecular biology from the Victor Segalen University of Bordeaux, and his doctorate in biology from the University Paris XI-Orsay, France. In 2002, he received an EMBO Long Term Fellowship and moved to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, where he developed new methods in cell biology including laser nanosurgery approaches to study cytoskeleton dynamics as well as Golgi biogenesis. He was also involved in the development of the Light Sheet based Fluorescence Microscopy as a member of the Light Microscopy Group headed by Ernst H.K. Stelzer at EMBL. He has coordinated the Imaging Platform for the Tara Oceans Expedition and developed commercial applications with Carl Zeiss Microimaging, AURA Optik and ANDOR Ltd.

Pavel Tomancak is Senior Permanent Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Dresden, Germany. After studying Molecular Biology and Genetics at the Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic, he did his PhD at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) in the field of Drosophila developmental genetics. During his post-doctoral time at the University of California in Berkeley at the laboratory of Gerald M. Rubin, he established image-based genome-scale resources for patterns of gene expression in Drosophila embryos. His laboratory in Dresden continues to study patterns of gene expression during development by combining molecular, imaging and image analysis techniques. The group has lead a significant technological development aiming towards more complete quantitative description of gene expression patterns using light sheet microscopy.