Nanostructured Multiferroics

1. Auflage April 2021
XIV, 258 Seiten, Hardcover
200 Abbildungen (50 Farbabbildungen)
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Explore the state of the art in multiferroic materials with this cutting-edge resource
Nanostructured Multiferroics delivers an overview of recent research developments in the area of nanostructured multiferroics, along with their preparation, characterization, and applications. Covering single-phase and composite multiferroics, nanomultiferroics, and multiferroic composites, the book explains their physical properties, the underlying physical principles, and the technology and application aspects of the materials, including energy harvesting and spintronics.
With multiferroics undergoing a renaissance of renewed interest and development in the past few years, and with promising new breakthroughs in areas like superconductivity, spintronics, and quantum computing, Nanostructured Multiferroics offers both experienced scientists and young researchers inspirational and informative resources likely to spark ideas for further research.
Along with chapters discussing topics such as the specific heat and magnetocaloric properties of manganite-based multiferroics for cryo-cooling applications and the multiferroic properties of barium-doped BiFeO3 particles, further topics are:
* A comprehensive discussion about the physical properties of multiferroic nanocomposites
* An exploration of the basic theory underpinning a variety of multiferroic interactions
* An in-depth analysis of the engineering functionality in nanomultiferroics
* An introduction to nanostructured multiferroics accompanied by discussions of their synthesis, characterization, and common applications
* A treatment of multiferroic materials, as well as single-phase and composite multiferroics
* An examination of the use of nanostructured multiferroics in the field of spintronics
Perfect for materials scientists, Nanostructured Multiferroics will also earn a place in the libraries of solid-state physicists and chemists who seek to improve their understanding of the fundamentals of, and recent advances made in, multiferroics. The information contained within will inform anyone working in areas involving superconductivity, quantum computing, and spintronics.
Single Phase Multiferroics
Composite Multiferroics
Nanostructured Multiferroics
Nanomultiferroics: Synthesis
Nanomultiferroics: Characterizations
Nanomultiferroics: Applications
Physical Properties of Multiferroic Nanocomposite
Basic Theory behind Multiferroic Interactions
Engineering Functionality in Nanomultiferroics
Nanostructured Multiferroics for Spintronics
Raneesh Balakrishnan, PhD, is Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, Catholicate College in Pathanamthitta, Kerala, India. His current research foci include nanomultiferroics, metal oxide thin films, plasma science, and electron microscopy.