Cobalt Catalysis in Organic Synthesis
Methods and Reactions

1. Auflage Februar 2020
XVIII, 462 Seiten, Hardcover
25 Abbildungen (25 Farbabbildungen)
By providing a comprehenisve overview of the use of cobalt complexes in modern homogeneous catalysis, this book is an useful guide for all organic chemists in academia and industry!
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Provides a much-needed account of the formidable "cobalt rush" in organic synthesis and catalysis
Over the past few decades, cobalt has turned into one of the most promising metals for use in catalytic reactions, with important applications in the efficient and selective synthesis of natural products, pharmaceuticals, and new materials.
Cobalt Catalysis in Organic Synthesis: Methods and Reactions provides a unique overview of cobalt-catalysed and -mediated reactions applied in modern organic synthesis. It covers a broad range of homogeneous reactions, like cobalt-catalysed hydrogenation, hydrofunctionalization, cycloaddition reactions, C-H functionalization, as well as radical and biomimetic reactions..
-First comprehensive book on this rapidly evolving research area
-Covers a broad range of homogeneous reactions, such as C-H activation, cross-coupling, synthesis of heterocyclic compounds (Pauson-Khand), and more
-Chapters on low-valent cobalt complexes as catalysts in coupling reactions, and enantioselective cobalt-catalyzed transformations are also included
-Can be used as a supplementary reader in courses of advanced organic synthesis and organometallic chemistry
Cobalt Catalysis in Organic Synthesis is an ideal book for graduates and researchers in academia and industry working in the field of synthetic organic chemistry, catalysis, organometallic chemistry, and natural product synthesis.
1) Introduction to Cobalt Chemistry and Catalysis
2) Homogeneous Cobalt-Catalysed Hydrogenation Reactions
3) Synthesis of C-C Bonds by Cobalt-Catalysed Hydrofunctionalisations
4) Cobalt-Catalysed C-H Functionalisation
5) Low-Valent Cobalt Complexes in C-X Coupling and Related Reactions
6) Ionic and Radical Reactions of pi-Bonded Cobalt Complexes
7) Cobalt-Catalysed Cycloaddition Reactions
8) Recent Advances in the Pauson-Khand Reaction
9) Cobalt-Catalysed [2+2+2] Cycloadditions
10) Enantioselective Cobalt-Catalysed Transformations
11) Cobalt Radical Chemistry in Synthesis and Biomimetic Reactions (including Vitamin B12)
Gerhard Hilt, PhD, is Full Professor at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg (Germany). His research interests are applications of electron-transfer-activated transition-metal complexes in organic synthesis, quantification of Lewis acidities, organic electrochemistry, and surface-assisted transformations.