Nanotechnology and Microfluidics

1. Auflage Februar 2020
448 Seiten, Hardcover
146 Abbildungen (142 Farbabbildungen)
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The book focuses on microfluidics with applications in nanotechnology. The first part summarizes the recent advances and achievements in the field of microfluidic technology, with emphasize on the the influence of nanotechnology. The second part introduces various applications of microfluidics in nanotechnology, such as drug delivery, tissue engineering and biomedical diagnosis.
Chapter 2 Digital Microfluidics for Bioanalysis
Chapter 3 Nanotechnology and microfluidics for biosensing and biophysical property assessment: implications for next-generation in vitro diagnostics
Chapter 4 Microfluidic Tools for the Synthesis of Bespoke Quantum Dots
Chapter 5 Microfluidics for Immuno-oncology
Chapter 6 Paper and paper hybrid microfluidic devices for point-of-care detection of infectious diseases
Chapter 7 Biological diagnosis based on microfluidics and nanotechnology
Chapter 8 Recent Developments in Microfluidics-based Point-of-care testing (POCT) Diagnoses
Chapter 9 Microfluidics in Microbiome & Cancer Research
Chapter 10 Microfluidic synthesis of functional nanoparticles
Chapter 11 Design considerations for muscle-actuated biohybrid devices
Chapter 12 Micro- and Nanoscale Biointerrogation and Modulation of Neural Tissue ? From fundamental to Clinical and Military Applications