Flexible and Stretchable Triboelectric Nanogenerator Devices
Toward Self-powered Systems

1. Auflage Oktober 2019
XVI, 408 Seiten, Hardcover
287 Abbildungen (285 Farbabbildungen)
10 Tabellen
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Presents a comprehensive overview of flexible triboelectric nanogenerators for smart applications
Triboelectric nanogenerators are emerging technologies for self-powered systems. They transform environmental mechanical energy to electric power and have been demonstrated as a renewable and sustainable power source for diverse applications including energy conversion and healthcare. Flexible and stretchable triboelectric nanogenerators have big potential for human interface applications, such as health monitoring and artificial intelligence.
Flexible and Stretchable Triboelectric Nanogenerator Devices: Toward Self-powered Systems is presented in four parts. It starts with the fundamentals of triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), looking at the materials, fabrication, mechanics, and power management of them. The book then examines fabrication technologies to achieve flexible and stretchable, covering ultra-thin films, as well as porous, sponges-based, and 3D assembling structures. Self-powered flexible microsystems such as smart sensors, smart actuators, and all-in-one smart systems are introduced next. The book finishes by presenting several application examples, including TENG-based active sensors, TENG-powered actuators, artificial intelligence, and integrated systems.
-Triboelectric nanogenerators have diverse applications for current energy and healthcare challenges, such as energy conversion, sensors, actuators, and wearable devices
-Covers fabrication technologies to achieve flexible and stretchable, as well as application examples including healthcare systems, artificial intelligence, IoT, advanced sports, and consumer electronics
-Of high interest for materials scientists, energy scientists, and electrical and bio engineers in academia and industry
Flexible and Stretchable Triboelectric Nanogenerator Devices: Toward Self-powered Systems is an ideal book for materials scientists, engineering scientists, electronics engineers, bioengineers, and sensor developers.
Chapter 1 Overview of Triboelectric Nanogenerators
Chapter 2 Materials of Triboelectric Nanogenerators
Chapter 3 Fabrication of Triboelectric Nanogenerators
Chapter 4 Mechanics of Triboelectric Nanogenerators
Chapter 5 Power Management of Triboelectric Nanogenerators
Chapter 6 Why Flexible and Stretchable?
Chapter 7 Ultra-thin films
Chapter 8 Porous Structures
Chapter 9 Sponges-based Structures
Chapter 10 3D Self-assembling Structures
Chapter 11 Self-powered Systems
Chapter 12 Smart Sensors
Chapter 13 Smart Actuators
Chapter 14 Contact, Non-contact E-SKIN
Chapter 15 All-in-one Smart Systems
Chapter 16 Healthcare Systems
Chapter 17 Artificial Intelligence
Chapter 18 Internet of Things
Chapter 19 Advanced Sports
Chapter 20 Consumer Electronics
Xiao-Sheng Zhang, PhD, is Professor at University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). His research focuses on micro- and nanoelectronic science and technology, especially applications for self-powered electronics.
Mengdi Han, PhD, is Postdoctoral Fellow in the Center for Bio-Integrated Electronics at Northwestern University, USA. His research work focuses on energy harvesting, flexible and stretchable electronics, bio-integrated electronics, and 3D electronic networks.