Engineering Solutions for CO2 Conversion

1. Auflage März 2021
496 Seiten, Hardcover
7 Abbildungen (4 Farbabbildungen)
7 Tabellen
A comprehensive guide that offers a review of the current technologies that tackle CO2 emissions.
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A comprehensive guide that offers a review of the current technologies that tackle CO2 emissions
The race to reduce CO2 emissions continues to be an urgent global challenge. "Engineering Solutions for CO2 Conversion" offers a thorough guide to the most current technologies designed to mitigate CO2 emissions ranging from CO2 capture to CO2 utilization approaches. With contributions from an international panel representing a wide range of expertise, this book contains a multidisciplinary toolkit that covers the myriad aspects of CO2 conversion strategies. Comprehensive in scope, it explores the chemical, physical, engineering and economical facets of CO2 conversion.
"Engineering Solutions for CO2 Conversion" explores a broad range of topics including linking CFD and process simulations, membranes technologies for efficient CO2 capture-conversion, biogas sweetening technologies, plasma-assisted conversion of CO2, and much more.
This important resource:
* Addresses a pressing concern of global environmental damage, caused by the greenhouse gases emissions from fossil fuels
* Contains a review of the most current developments on the various aspects of CO2 capture and utilization strategies
* Incldues information on chemical, physical, engineering and economical facets of CO2 capture and utilization
* Offers in-depth insight into materials design, processing characterization, and computer modeling with respect to CO2 capture and conversion
Written for catalytic chemists, electrochemists, process engineers, chemical engineers, chemists in industry, photochemists, environmental chemists, theoretical chemists, environmental officers, "Engineering Solutions for CO2 Conversion" provides the most current and expert information on the many aspects and challenges of CO2 conversion.
Advancing CCSU technologies with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD): A look at the future by linking CFD and Process Simulations
Membranes technologies for efficient CO2 capture-conversion
Computational modeling of carbon dioxide catalytic conversion
An overview of the transition to a carbon-neutral steel industry
Potential processes for simultaneous biogas upgrading and carbon dioxide utilization
Biogas sweetening technologies
CO2 conversion to added-value gas phase products: technology overview and catalysts selection
CO2 utilization enabled by microchannel reactors
Analysis of High Pressure Conditions In CO2 Hydrogenation Processes
Sabatier-based direct synthesis of methane and methanol using CO2 from industrial gas mixture
A survey of heterogeneous catalysts for the CO2 reduction to CO via reverse water gas shift
Electrocatalytic conversion of CO2 to syngas
Recent progress on catalysts development for CO2 conversion into value-added chemicals by photo- and electro-reduction
Yolk@Shell Materials for CO2 Conversion: Chemical and Photochemical Applications
Aliphatic Polycarbonates Derived from Epoxides and CO2
Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for CO2 cycloaddition reactions
Plasma-assisted conversion of CO2
Prof. José A. Odriozola is Chair of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Sevilla, Spain. He is Fellow of the Spanish Society of Catalysis and of the American Chemical Society, and Head of the Materials Science and Technology Panel of the Spanish National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective, ANEP (2004-2006). Prof. Odriozola has focused his research on the surface chemistry of materials and has developed a new research line focused on the manufacture and study of micromonoliths and microchannel reactors for energetic and environmental catalytic applications including CO2 utilization.
Prof. Harvey Arellano-Garcia is Director of Research and Professor of Energy and Chemical Engineering at the Department of Process and Plant Technology at BTU-Cottbus, Germany. He holds an honorary Professorship and is Distinguished Visiting Professor at the Technical University of Berlin in Germany. He has made valuable and relevant contributions to diverse research areas in Energy and Process Systems Engineering. He has pioneered and introduced a novel formulation of optimization problems under uncertainty and proposed methods that enable the efficient solution of the resulting complex numerical problems. The proposed method has a wide range of application, from process synthesis to nonlinear model predictive control. Moreover, his achievements on modelling and optimization-based methods have made a major impact in different fields of Process Engineering, from process design and experimental design to online applications for an improved monitoring and advanced control using miniplant techniques. These research results have also been successfully integrated into several industrial processes. He is recipient of several awards including the Excellence Award of the European Federation of Chemical Engineers (EFCE) in Computer Aided Process Engineering. His research expertise includes the application of mathematical methods to optimise process design, control and operation as well as model-based experimental analysis, and miniplant technology in process and energy systems.