Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Applications in Chemistry and Materials Science

1. Auflage September 2023
336 Seiten, Hardcover
147 Abbildungen
This book provides a unique overview of the applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy in chemistry and related fields. It shows how powerful and versatile the method is in giving information on electronic structure, structural insights and solid-state effects of chemical systems.
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Chapter 2: Mössbauer Spectral Studies of Iron Phosphate Containing Minerals and Compounds
Chapter 3: Mössbauer spectroscopic investigation of Fe-based silicides
Chapter 4: Mössbauer spectroscopy of catalysts
Chapter 5: Application of Mössbauer spectroscopy in studying catalysts for CO oxidation and preferential oxidation of CO in H2
Chapter 6: Application of 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy in studying Fe-N-C catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Chapter 7: 197Au Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Thiolate-protected Gold Clusters
Chapter 8: Au Mössbauer spectroscopy of gold mixed-valence complexes, Cs2[AuIX2][AuIIIY4](X, Y = Cl, Br, I) and [NH3(CH2)nNH3]2[(AuII2)(AuIIII4) (I3)2] (n = 7, 8)
Chapter 9: Temperature- and photo-induced spin-crossover in molecule-based magnets
Chapter 10:Developing a Methodology to obtain new Photoswitchable Fe(II) Spin Crossover Complexes
Chapter 11:57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy as a prime tool to explore a new family of colorimetric sensors
Junhu Wang studied radiochemistry at Lanzhou University (China). He was awarded Master's and PhD degrees (jointly trained with Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute) at Toho University (Japan) in 1998 and 2002, respectively. He is full professor & group leader at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (DICP) and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). His main research fields are Mössbauer spectroscopic applications and nanometer-sized catalytic materials.
Tao Zhang received his PhD in physical chemistry from DICP, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1989 under the supervision of Prof. Liwu Lin. After postdoctroal research with Prof. Frank Berry at Birmingham University,he founded his own group at Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics in 1995, where he also became full professor. He was an invited professor at University of Poitiers (France) in the period of 2006-2007 and has been a guest professor at University of Namur (Belgium) since 2011. He was the director of DICP in the period of 2007-2017. He was officially selected as Academician by the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2013. In 2017, he was promoted as a vice president of Chinese academy of sciences. Over the past decades, Prof. Zhang has successfully designed a great number of nano and subnano metallic catalysts for applications in energy conversion.