Electrochemistry, Production, Purification and Applications

1. Auflage Januar 2023
XVI, 248 Seiten, Hardcover
29 Abbildungen (19 Farbabbildungen)
This timely overview of silicon electrochemistry and surface modification covers current approaches for the production of photovoltaic-grade silicon materials, including innovative molten-salt methods.
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2. Silicon Electrochemistry: Towards a Low-Carbon Economy
3. Historcal Overview of Silicon Production
4. Physical and Chemical Properties of Silicon
5. Refining of Silicon: From Metallurgical-Grade to Electronic-Grade
6. Silicon Electrowinning and Electrodeposition of Thin Layers
7.Photoelectrochemistry and Nanogravimetry of Si and Si-oxide Electrodes
8. Electro-deoxidation of Solid Compounds in Molten Salts
9. Voltammetry and Basic Reactions of Silicon Electrode in Molten CaCl2
10. Si-SiO2 Electrode in Molten CaCl2
11. Formation of Silicon Oxide Layer
12. In situ Studies of SiO2 to Si Conversion
13. Molten Oxide Electrochemistry at Ultra-High Temperatures
14. Silicon Surface Structuring
15. Electrochemical Si Surface Structuring and Formation of Black Si in High Temperature Molten Salts
16. Silicon Compositions: Perspectives for Semiconductor Production
17. Silicon Photo-Electrodes for Water Splitting and Their Protection
18. Conclusion, Outlook, Challenges