RNA as a Drug Target
The Next Frontier for Medicinal Chemistry
Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry

1. Auflage August 2024
416 Seiten, Hardcover
1 Abbildungen (1 Farbabbildungen)
Provides the concepts and tools for developing drug-like small molecules that selectively target RNA rather than proteins, including the first successful examples from the development pipeline of big pharma.
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2. RNA Structure Probing, Dynamics, and Folding
3. High Resolution Structures of RNA
4. Screening and Lead Generation Techniques for RNA Binders
5. Chemical Matter that Binds RNA
6. MicroRNAs as Targets for Small Molecule Binders
7. Pre-mRNA Splicing Modulation
8. Prospects for Riboswitches in Drug Development
9. Small Molecules That Degrade RNA
10. Approaches to the Identification of Molecules Altering Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting in Viruses
11. RNA-Protein Interactions: A New Approach for Drugging RNA Biology
12. Drugging the Epitranscriptome
13. Outlook. A Perspective on RNA: The Next Frontier for Small Molecule Therapeutics
Martin Pettersson is a medicinal chemistry / drug discovery leader with 18+ years of industrial experience. He received his undergraduate degree from Indiana University in 1998, working with David R. Williams. After four years working for Pfizer, he then joined the University of Texas at Austin for a Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry with Stephen F. Martin. He continued to work for Pfizer, where he delivered multiple compounds into clinical development. He co-led Pfizer's COVID-19 oral protease inhibitor program from project inception until August 2020, during which time the clinical candidate PF-07321332 (Paxlovid) was designed and synthesized. In 2020, he became senior director Neuroscience/Pain at Grünenthal Group, where he is also a member of the Research Board. His publication record includes more than 70 publications, patents/patent applications, and presentations.