Lignin Chemistry
Characterization, Isolation, and Valorization

1. Auflage Juli 2024
496 Seiten, Hardcover
200 Abbildungen (50 Farbabbildungen)
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
A comprehensive overview that covers all aspects of lignin chemistry, including structure characterization, isolation, and valorization.
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Chapter 1: A brief introduction to lignin utilization
Chapter 2: NMR characterization of lignin
Chapter 3: Advances in the Molar Mass and Functionality Analysis of Lignin
Chapter 4: Degradative methods for lignin valorisation
Chapter 5: Isolation of native-like lignin
Chapter 6: Isolation of lignin in the biorefinery process
Chapter 7: Gasification and combined heat and power (CHP) from Lignin
Chapter 8: Enzymatic and Microbial Bioconversion of Lignin to Renewable Chemicals
Chapter 9: Approaches to the oxidative depolymerization of lignin
Chapter 10: Photocatalytic Conversion of Lignin
Chapter 11: Electrochemical Conversion for Lignin Valorization
Chapter 12: Recent advances in thermoset and thermoplastic polymeric materials produced using technical and depolymerized native lignins
Chapter 13: Advances in preparation and applications of lignin nanoparticles
Chapter 14: Carbon (nano)fibres and carbon materials from lignin and their applications
Chapter 15: Lignin-based hydrogel: mechanism, properties, and application
Chapter 2: NMR characterization of lignin
Chapter 3: Advances in the Molar Mass and Functionality Analysis of Lignin
Chapter 4: Degradative methods for lignin valorisation
Chapter 5: Isolation of native-like lignin
Chapter 6: Isolation of lignin in the biorefinery process
Chapter 7: Gasification and combined heat and power (CHP) from Lignin
Chapter 8: Enzymatic and Microbial Bioconversion of Lignin to Renewable Chemicals
Chapter 9: Approaches to the oxidative depolymerization of lignin
Chapter 10: Photocatalytic Conversion of Lignin
Chapter 11: Electrochemical Conversion for Lignin Valorization
Chapter 12: Recent advances in thermoset and thermoplastic polymeric materials produced using technical and depolymerized native lignins
Chapter 13: Advances in preparation and applications of lignin nanoparticles
Chapter 14: Carbon (nano)fibres and carbon materials from lignin and their applications
Chapter 15: Lignin-based hydrogel: mechanism, properties, and application
Yuhe Liao currently is Professor at Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his PhD in Bioscience Engineering at KU Leuven in 2018 under the guidance of Prof. Bert F. Sels and Dr Danny Verboekend in the field of heterogeneous catalysis for biomass conversion.. His current research focuses on heterogeneous catalysis and sustainable chemistry, including biomass conversion, CO2 and solid waste valorization.
Bert F. Sels is Professor and head of Center for Sustainable Catalysis and Engineering at KU Leuven, Beligium. He obtained his Ph.D degree in 2000 in the field of heterogeneous oxidation catalysis. Professor Sels? research activities cover the field of heterogeneous catalysis for future challenges in industrial organic and environmental catalysis.
Bert F. Sels is Professor and head of Center for Sustainable Catalysis and Engineering at KU Leuven, Beligium. He obtained his Ph.D degree in 2000 in the field of heterogeneous oxidation catalysis. Professor Sels? research activities cover the field of heterogeneous catalysis for future challenges in industrial organic and environmental catalysis.