Mechanics of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics

1. Auflage Oktober 2024
496 Seiten, Hardcover
151 Abbildungen (143 Farbabbildungen)
4 Tabellen
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
provides a comprehensive coverage on the recent advances in mechanics related to flexible and stretchable electronics.
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1 Mechanics of Two-Dimensional Materials
2 Multiscale Mechanics of Metal Nanowire based Stretchable Electronics
3 Hydrogel Electronics and Devices
4 Mechanics of Organic Electronics
6 Mechanics of Origami-based Electronics and Batteries
7 Electrospinning Manufacturing of Stretchable Electronics
5 Mechanics of 3D Assembly
8 Mechanics of Transient Electronics
9 Mechanics of Bio-Electronics Interfaces
10 Mechanics of Wet Adhesion
11 Structural Design of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
12 Spherical Indentation Behavior of Stretchable Electronics
13 Laser Based Fabrication Process Development for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
14 Liquid Metal Based Electronics
15 Harnessing Wrinkling and Buckling Instabilities for Stretchable Devices and Healthcare
16 Freeform Manufacture of Soft Wearable Electronics
2 Multiscale Mechanics of Metal Nanowire based Stretchable Electronics
3 Hydrogel Electronics and Devices
4 Mechanics of Organic Electronics
6 Mechanics of Origami-based Electronics and Batteries
7 Electrospinning Manufacturing of Stretchable Electronics
5 Mechanics of 3D Assembly
8 Mechanics of Transient Electronics
9 Mechanics of Bio-Electronics Interfaces
10 Mechanics of Wet Adhesion
11 Structural Design of Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
12 Spherical Indentation Behavior of Stretchable Electronics
13 Laser Based Fabrication Process Development for Flexible and Stretchable Electronics
14 Liquid Metal Based Electronics
15 Harnessing Wrinkling and Buckling Instabilities for Stretchable Devices and Healthcare
16 Freeform Manufacture of Soft Wearable Electronics
Yong Zhu is the Andrew A. Adams Distinguished Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at North Carolina State University (NCSU). He received his Ph.D. degrees from Northwestern University. His group conducts research at the intersection of solid mechanics and micro/nano-technology, including nanomechanics, microelectromechanical systems, and flexible and stretchable electronics. His work has been recognized with a number of awards including James R. Rice Medal from the Society of Engineering Science, Bessel Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, and Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award from ASME.
Nanshu Lu is Full Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her B.Eng. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, Ph.D. from Harvard University, and then Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship at UIUC. Her research concerns the mechanics, materials, manufacture, and human/robot integration of soft electronics. She is a Clarivate highly cited researcher. She has been named 35 innovators under 35 by MIT Technology Review (TR 35) and iCANX/ACS Nano Inaugural Rising Star. She has received US NSF CAREER Award, US ONR and AFOSR Young Investigator Awards, 3M non-tenured faculty award, and the ASME Applied Mechanics Division Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award. She has been selected as one of the five great innovators on campus and five world-changing women of the University of Texas at Austin.
Nanshu Lu is Full Professor at the University of Texas at Austin. She received her B.Eng. from Tsinghua University, Beijing, Ph.D. from Harvard University, and then Beckman Postdoctoral Fellowship at UIUC. Her research concerns the mechanics, materials, manufacture, and human/robot integration of soft electronics. She is a Clarivate highly cited researcher. She has been named 35 innovators under 35 by MIT Technology Review (TR 35) and iCANX/ACS Nano Inaugural Rising Star. She has received US NSF CAREER Award, US ONR and AFOSR Young Investigator Awards, 3M non-tenured faculty award, and the ASME Applied Mechanics Division Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award. She has been selected as one of the five great innovators on campus and five world-changing women of the University of Texas at Austin.