Integrated Local Energy Communities
From Concepts and Enabling Conditions to Optimal Planning and Operation

1. Auflage Oktober 2024
464 Seiten, Hardcover
2 Abbildungen
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
The book presents viable solutions for the realization of integrated local energy communities, addressing both technology as well as organizational, business and policy aspects.
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1. Introduction: The Need for Sector Coupling and the Energy Transition Goals
2. Current Status of Multi-Carrier Energy Systems in Europe with Main Limitations and Shortcomings to the Optimal Use of Local Energy Resources
3. The Concept of Integrated Local Energy Communities: Key Features and Enabling Technologies
4. Actors , Business Models, and Key Issues for Implementation of Integrated Local Energy Communities
5. Comprehensive Analysis and Future Outlook of Planning and Operation Approaches for Multi-Carrier Energy Systems under the Integrated Local Energy Community Concept
6. Analytical Framework for Coordinated Planning and Operation of Multi-Carrier Energy Systems
7. Integrated Flexibility Solutions for Effective Congestion Management in Distribution Grids
8. Peer-To-Peer Energy Trading Approaches: Maximising the Active Participation of the Prosumers in the Multi-Carrier Energy Communities
9. Integration of Multiple Energy Communities: Transaction Prices, Reactive Power Control, and Ancillary Services
10. Validation of Energy Hub Solutions through Simulation and Testing in a Lab Environment and Real World
11. Energy Communities as an Alternative Way of Organizing the Energy Systems in Europe: Key Societal Aspects
12. Guidelines and Recommendations for Optimal Implementation of Integrated Local Energy Communities
2. Current Status of Multi-Carrier Energy Systems in Europe with Main Limitations and Shortcomings to the Optimal Use of Local Energy Resources
3. The Concept of Integrated Local Energy Communities: Key Features and Enabling Technologies
4. Actors , Business Models, and Key Issues for Implementation of Integrated Local Energy Communities
5. Comprehensive Analysis and Future Outlook of Planning and Operation Approaches for Multi-Carrier Energy Systems under the Integrated Local Energy Community Concept
6. Analytical Framework for Coordinated Planning and Operation of Multi-Carrier Energy Systems
7. Integrated Flexibility Solutions for Effective Congestion Management in Distribution Grids
8. Peer-To-Peer Energy Trading Approaches: Maximising the Active Participation of the Prosumers in the Multi-Carrier Energy Communities
9. Integration of Multiple Energy Communities: Transaction Prices, Reactive Power Control, and Ancillary Services
10. Validation of Energy Hub Solutions through Simulation and Testing in a Lab Environment and Real World
11. Energy Communities as an Alternative Way of Organizing the Energy Systems in Europe: Key Societal Aspects
12. Guidelines and Recommendations for Optimal Implementation of Integrated Local Energy Communities
Marialaura Di Somma is Research Engineer in the Smart Grid and Energy Networks Laboratory, Energy Technologies Department of ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development). Her main research interests are design and operation optimization of distributed energy resources in the context of local energy systems.
Christina N. Papadimitriou is Assistant Professor in the research group Electrical Energy Systems at the TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Previously, she was a scientist at University of Cyprus and FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy. In this context, she participates in European and national projects related to smart grids and sustainable energy.
Christina N. Papadimitriou is Assistant Professor in the research group Electrical Energy Systems at the TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands. Previously, she was a scientist at University of Cyprus and FOSS Research Centre for Sustainable Energy. In this context, she participates in European and national projects related to smart grids and sustainable energy.