Geological Storage of CO2
Modeling Approaches for Large-Scale Simulation

1. Edition January 2012
256 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Short Description
Despite the large research effort in both public and commercial companies, no textbook has yet been written on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). This book provides an overview, examining the dominant processes as well as the mathematical and numerical methods necessary to analyze the relevant systems. It provides an introduction to single-phase and multi-phase flow in porous media, including the most common mathematical analyses, and an overview of numerical methods for the equations. A considerable part of the book discusses appropriate modeling scales, including how to formulate consistent governing equations at these scales.
Despite the large research effort in both public and commercial companies, no textbook has yet been written on this subject. This book aims to provide an overview to the topic of Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS), while at the same time focusing on the dominant processes and the mathematical and numerical methods that need to be employed in order to analyze the relevant systems. The book clearly states the carbon problem and the role of CCS and carbon storage. Thereafter, it provides an introduction to single phase and multi-phase flow in porous media, including some of the most common mathematical analysis and an overview of numerical methods for the equations. A considerable part of the book discusses the appropriate scales of modeling, and how to formulate consistent governing equations at these scales. The book also illustrates real world data sets and how the ideas in the book can be exploited through combinations of analytical and numerical approaches.
1. The Carbon Problem 1
2. Single-Phase Flow in Porous Media 17
3. Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media 67
4. Large-Scale Models 115
5. Solution Approaches 153
6. Models for CO2 Storage and Leakage 195
Epilogue 225
Appendix 227
Index 237
MICHAEL A. CELIA is the Theodora Shelton Pitney Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Princeton University, where he also recently served as Department Chair. Professor Celia is a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAS). He received the 2005 AGU Hydrologic Sciences Award, was the 2008 Darcy Lecturer for the National Ground Water Association, and was the 2010 Pioneers in Groundwater Lecturer for the American Society of Civil Engineers. He served for ten years as editor of the journal Advances in Water Resources, and was a contributing author for the IPCC Working Group II Special Report on Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage. His research interests include flow in porous media, numerical simulation, groundwater hydrology, ecohydrology, and carbon sequestration.