Ceramics for Environmental and Energy Applications
Ceramic Transactions, Volume 217
Ceramic Transaction Series (Series Nr. 217)

1. Edition August 2010
186 Pages, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Short Description
This volume is a collection of seventeen papers from six symposia held during the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM-8) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 2009. These symposia include: Glasses and Ceramics for Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Treatment; Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology; Ceramics for Electric Energy Generation, Storage and Distribution; Photocatalytic Materials: Reaction, Processing, and Applications; and Direct Thermal to Electrical Energy Conversion Materials and Applications. This volume provides academics with a one-stop resource to the most important issues in ceramics for environmental and energy applications.
This volume is a collection of 17 papers from six symposia held during the 8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology (PACRIM-8) in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, May 31-June 5, 2009. These symposia include:
* Glasses and Ceramics for Nuclear and Hazardous Waste Treatment
* Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Technology
* Ceramics for Electric Energy Generation, Storage and Distribution
* Photocatalytic Materials: Reaction, Processing, and Applications
* Direct Thermal to Electrical Energy Conversion Materials and Applications
PACRIM-8 is the eight in a series of international conferences on emerging ceramic technologies that began in 1993. PACRIM-8 was organized and sponsored by The American Ceramic Society and was endorsed by The Australian Ceramic Society, The Ceramic Society of Japan, The Chinese Ceramic Society, and The Korean Ceramic Society. A total of 862 experts, practitioners, and end users from forty-one countries attended PACRIM-8, making it one of the most successful ceramic science and engineering events in recent years.
Development of Glass Compositions to Immobilize Alkali, Alkaline Earth, Lanthanide and Transition Metal Fission Products from Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing (J. C. Marra and A. L. Billings, J. V. Crum, J. V. Ryan, and J. D. Vienna).
Castable Glass and Glass-Ceramics from DC Plasma Treatment of Air Pollution Control Residues (D. Amutha Rani, J. A. Roether, D.E. Deegan, C. R. Cheeseman, and A. R. Boccaccini).
XAFS of Pu LIII Edge in LaBS Glass (S. V. Stefanovsky, A. G. Ptashkin, A. A. Shiryaev, J. V. Zubavitchus, A. A. Veligjanin, J. C. Marra, and M. V. Chukalina).
Phase Formation Studies Using X-Ray Diffraction and Infrared Spectroscopy in the Vitrification of Savannah River Site SB4 HLW Sludge Surrogate with High Iron and Aluminum Contents at High Waste Loadings (O. I. Stefanovsky, S. V. Stefanovsky, D. Y. Suntsov, A. A. Akatov, and J. C. Marra).
Development of Waste Forms for Radioactive Iodine (Terry J. Garino, Tina M. Nenoff, James L. Krumhansl and David X. Rademacher).
CaMOO4 in a Molybdenum Rich Borosilicate Glass-Ceramic: A Spectroscopic Study (Clément Mendoza, Gérard Panczer, Dominique de Ligny, Isabelle Bardez-Giboire, Sophie Schuller, and Sylvain Peuget).
Glass-Ceramic Stoneware as a Promising Application for Waste Glasses (E. Bernardo, L. Esposito, E. Rambaldi, and A.Tucci).
Low Temperature Hydrogen Release from Borontetrahydride-Sodalite and Its Reloading: Observations in In-situ and Ex-situ TIR Experiments (C. H. Rüscher, F. Stemme, L. Schomborg, and J.-Chr. Buhl).
Synthesis and Characterization in the New System Bi2(Al/Ga)4O9 and 18O/16O Exchange Experiments (T. Debnath, C. H. Rüscher, P. Fielitz, S. Ohmann, and G. Borchardt).
Microstructure of Sm-Doped Ceria Interlayer and the Impedance of LaSrCoFeO3/SDC/LAMOX Half Cell (Yu-Chen Chen, Hun-Chieh Chang, Dah-Shyang Tsai, Wen-Hung Chung, and Minh-Vien Le).
Environmental Impact Evaluation of Ceramics Using Exergy Analysis (Hideki Kita, Hideki Hyuga, and Naoki Kondo).
The Dynamic Characteristics of Ultrasonic Therapeutic Transducers Using Lead-Free Na0.5K0.5NbO3 Based Ceramics (Ming-Ru Yang, Sheng-Yuan Chu, Cheng-Che Tsai, Cheng-Shong Hong, and Chih-Lung Lin).
Direct In-Situ Growth of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on Silicon Carbide Particles as a Precursor for Fabricating Silicon Carbide-Carbon Nanotube Composites (Amit Datye, Kuang-Hsi Wu, George Gomes, Latha Kumari, Wenzhi Li, and Hua-Tay Lin).
Effect of Functional Coatings on Topographical Properties of Glass (Minna Piispanen, Mikko Aromaa, Jyrki M. Mäkelä, and Leena Hupa).
Skin Damage by Different Shapes of Photocatalyst Nanoparticles (Eiji Watanabe, Kaoru Nishizawa, Takeshi Miki, and Hiroshi Taoda).
Characterization of Crystallized TiO2 Film by Post Plasma Treatment (Toshiya Watanabe, Yukinobu Yokota, Naoya Yoshida, Yuko Shibayama, and Hisashi Ohsaki).
Thermoelectric Properties of Oxygen Deficient La2-xSrxCuO4-Ceramics (Julio E. Rodríguez).
Author Index.