Wiley-VCH was founded in 1921 as Verlag Chemie by several chemical societies which later became the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh, German Chemical Society); in 1985 the publishing house was renamed VCH Verlagsgesellschaft (VCH Publishers). Since 1996, as Wiley-VCH, it has been part of the renowned international publishers John Wiley and Sons that was founded in 1807 and today has its headquarters in Hoboken, NJ (USA).
From the very beginning, Wiley-VCH has co-operated closely with an ever-increasing number of scientific societies and associations. Together with these partners, an extensive books and journals program has been developed that is held in high esteem, especially among readers world-wide but also among societies as well as librarians and authors. To serve scientific societies in Germany and all over the world is one of our most important missions.
German Chemical Society
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
The GDCh represents the interests and activities of chemists in Germany. Its membership includes 36 Nobel Prize winners: impressive confirmation of the international standing of German chemical research. Today the GDCh is one of the largest scientific societies in the world, with almost 30,000 members from highly diverse scientific specializations and groups. The society actively supports a modern concept of chemistry publishing and was founder member of a union of chemical societies for the purpose of publishing high quality content (Chemistry Europe). Wiley-VCH also works closely together with several sections of the GDCh, such as Wasserchemische Gesellschaft, FG Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, FG Chemieunterricht and Lebensmittelchemische Gesellschaft.
Publications- Angewandte Chemie
- Angewandte Chemie International Edition
- Archiv der Pharmazie (Med. Chem. Group der GDCh)
- Chemical Engineering and Technology
- Chemie in unserer Zeit
- Chemie Ingenieur Technik
- ChemKon
- CITplus
- Deutsche Einheitsverfahren zur Wasser-, Abwasser- und Schlammuntersuchung
- Chemistry Europe journals
- Lebensmittelchemie
- Nachrichten aus der Chemie
- Vom Wasser
German Pharmaceutical Society
Deutsche Pharmazeutische Gesellschaft (DPhG)
The DPhG is the scientific society of all pharmaceutical disciplines in Germany. Currently its membership totals more than 10,000.
PublicationsGerman Physical Society
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
Founded in 1845, the DPG was the first physical society to be established. Today, with a total of more than 60,000 members, it is also the largest one worldwide. Its membership list reads like a "Who's Who" in physics. Numerous researchers of international renown - Max Planck and Albert Einstein, to name just two - were Presidents of this prestigious society.
German Society for Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Chemisches Apparatewesen, Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. (DECHEMA)
The DECHEMA is a non-profit scientific and technical society. Founded in 1926, it now has more than 5,800 private and institutional members. The aim of DECHEMA is to promote research and technical advances in the areas of chemical engineering, biotechnology and environmental protection.
PublicationsVDI Society for Chemical and Process Engineering
VDI-Gesellschaft Verfahrenstechnik und Chemieingenieurwesen (GVC·VDI)
This society is the organization for engineers and other professionals in chemical and process engineering and related fields. The GVC focuses on issues on chemical and process engineering in science, technology, industry and public life.
PublicationsChemistry Europe
Founded in 1995, Chemistry Europe is an association of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries, representing over 75,000 chemists. It publishes a family of high-quality scholarly chemistry journals, covering a very broad range of disciplines.
Learn more at chemistry-europe.org.
Our mission is to evaluate, publish, disseminate and amplify the scientific excellence of chemistry researchers from around the globe in high-quality publications. We represent 16 European chemical societies and support their members at every stage of their careers as they strive to solve the challenges that impact humankind. We value integrity, openness, diversity, cooperation and freedom of thought.
Publications- Analysis & Sensing
- Analytical Science Advances
- Batteries & Supercaps
- Chemistry - A European Journal
- ChemBioChem
- ChemCatChem
- ChemElectroChem
- Chemistry—Methods
- ChemistryOpen
- ChemistrySelect
- ChemMedChem
- ChemPhotoChem
- ChemPhysChem
- ChemPlusChem
- ChemSusChem
- ChemSystemsChem
- ChemViews
- Electrochemical Science Advances
- European Journal of Organic Chemistry
- European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Association of Greek Chemists (EEX)
Czech Chemical Society (CCS)
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH)
Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV)
Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging (KVCV)
Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete (MKE)
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne (PTChem)
Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ)
Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft (SCG)
Slovak Chemical Society (SCHS)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ)
Società Chimica Italiana (SCI)
Société Chimique de France (SCF)
Société Royale de Chimie (SRC)
Svenska Kemistsamfundet (SK)
Association of Greek Chemists (EEX)
The Association of Greek Chemists (EEX) was founded in 1924. Its aim is to promote the science of chemistry in industry, education, and research within the country and abroad and thus contribute to the economic, social, and cultural development of Greece. Another goal is to promote the chemical profession in the country, protect the benefits and the professional rights of chemists, and contribute to collaboration and solidarity among its members. The EEX organizes a number of different meetings and conferences to communicate with its members and achieve the goals of the society. The 11th of March is the Panhellenic Day of Chemistry, and every year a Panhellenic Competition in Chemistry is organized among graduating secondary school students. Also the EEX participates annually in the National Chemistry Olympiad, and organizes symposia, seminars, lectures, and courses in chemistry and chemistry related fields. Since 1998, the Association of Greek Chemists has been active in realizing an organized cooperation with the chemical societies from South Eastern Europe. This cooperation includes, apart from the EEX, chemical societies from Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, FYROM, Montenegro, Romania, and Serbia. The activities involve scientific and technical meetings.
Czech Chemical Society (CCS)
The first organization of Czech chemists was established in 1866 at the Prague Technical University. Later, in 1872 it was reorganized as the Association of Czech Chemists. The society has existed with some cosmetic changes to its name for the past almost 140 years. The CCS is a member of the Scientific Societies Council of the Czech Republic, the Association of Czech Chemical Societies (ACCS), and the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences (FECS). A joint congress is organized by the ACCS with Slovak chemical and pharmaceutical societies every year. The CCS is active in educational. Its activities are traditionally connected with academia, with more than 80% of the individual members being university graduates; many members are from universities, schools, and research institutes, oriented both at basic and technological research. The society also organizes scientific and professional events, conferences, and courses.
Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker/ Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH)
The Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH) was founded in 1897 with the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry (ASAC) representing the analytical section. Currently it has 1900 members, including many students and sponsoring companies. The activities of the society include promoting collaboration among chemists in common projects, organizing national and international Symposia and public discussions covering the whole field of chemistry and aspects of chemistry. The society supports students through regular lectures by renowned international experts at Austrian Universities, annual prizes for the best Ph. D. and Masters theses together with the Federation of Chemical Industry (FCIO) as the sponsoring association. The society is also influential in improving chemistry education, and it participates in approving or disapproving new laws and regulations concerning chemistry issues.
Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV)
The Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV), founded in 1903, was started as an organization open only to chemists. Since 1924 the society has opened up for other specialists from disciplines related to chemistry. Today the society welcomes not only members with a higher education in chemistry or related sciences but everybody interested in the chemical and related world. At the moment it has around 10 000 members and 2000 associated members.
Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging (KVCV)
The Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV), founded in 1903, was started as an organization open only to chemists. Since 1924 the society has opened up for other specialists from disciplines related to chemistry. Today the society welcomes not only members with a higher education in chemistry or related sciences but everybody interested in the chemical and related world. At the moment it has around 10 000 members and 2000 associated members.
Magyar Kémikusok Egyesülete (MKE)
The Hungarian Chemical Society (MKE) was founded by some 50 chemists in 1907. Their objectives included the protection of the interests of Hungarian chemists, because at that time the majority of chemists holding leading positions in Hungary were foreigners. The program of the MKE is centered on promoting the development of chemical science and chemical industry. Amongst other things, the MKE organizes lectures, conferences, and exhibitions. It also participates in the preparation of radio and TV programs on subjects related to the chemical industry. In addition, the society organizes professional in-service training courses, professional counseling, and study trips, and awards prizes for outstanding achievement in Chemistry. The MKE has established and maintains contacts with state organizations and has established links with the professional societies of foreign countries.
Polskie Towarzystwo Chemiczne (PTChem)
The Polish Chemical Society (PCS) was established in 1919 by a group of enthusiasts and famous Polish chemists who worked in high schools located in different parts of unified Poland. The society acts through 20 branches located in main Polish university cities and through 27 sections devoted to different areas of chemistry for the promotion of chemical sciences and spreading chemical knowledge in society. To achieve these aims, the society organizes conferences for chemists, public lectures and scientific courses, awards prizes in the area of chemistry, furnishes information in the field of chemistry, and elaborates and formulates opinions in all cases connected with the development and education in chemistry in Poland. The PCS closely cooperates with the Czech, Hungarian, Slovak, Lithuanian, and Ukrainian Chemical Societies by for example, exchanging information and inviting members of these societies to national meetings. The main part of this cooperation is an exchange of students and young chemists.
Real Sociedad Española de Química (RSEQ)
The Spanish Society of Physics and Chemistry was founded in 1903, with a first meeting celebrated in Madrid and chaired by the first President of the Society, the Spanish Literature Nobel Prize winner José Echegaray. The aim of the new scientific society was to bring Spain into modernity and, specifically, to support the study of sciences facilitating the scientific interchange between scientists. Twenty-five years later, in 1928, the society was granted the distinction of Royal Society of Physics and Chemistry, as recognition of the outstanding achievements during this time. The Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) was split from the Physics Society in 1975. Today the society is composed of 20 different specialized groups covering all the fields in chemistry and it is organized in local sections all over the country. The RSEQ has excellent relationships with different European and American Societies with which they share joint awards to distinguish top quality research.
Schweizerische Chemische Gesellschaft (SCG)
The New Swiss Chemical Society (from 2001: Swiss Chemical Society) was founded in 1992 and is an amalgamation of the"Schweizerischen Chemischen Gesellschaft" with the "Schweizerischen Chemikerverband". It incorporates 2.700 members and 7 associations. It is concerned both with the dissemination of information and its discussion and with education in all fields of pure and applied chemistry, as well as with the economic, ethical, ecological and social perspectives of this subject. The society joined Chemistry Europe as Supporting Society in 2010. In 2013 their co-ownership in Chemistry - A European Journal was ratified by the other societies and their status changed thereby from Supporting Society to full member of Chemistry Europe.
PublicationsSlovak Chemical Society (SCHS)
The Slovak Chemical Society (SCHS) was founded in 1927, has currently approximately 1000 members who are organized in 25 divisions and is a member organization of the European Association of Chemical and Molecular Sciences (EuCheMS). The SCHS joined Chemistry Europe as Supporting Society and co-owner of the journal ChemCatChem in 2009.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Química (SPQ)
The Portuguese Chemical Society (SPQ) was founded in 1911 by a group of prominent Portuguese chemists gathered by Ferreira da Silva (1853-1923), a distinguished analytical chemist and professor at Oporto University. The bulletin of the society aims to promote and popularize chemistry among high-school teachers, chemists, and chemical engineers. The Ferreira da Silva Award recognizes relevant contributions by Portuguese chemists and another award distinguishes the research work of young scientists in chemistry. The Portuguese Chemical Society has presently around 2500 members, and has as major objective the development of high-quality research and teaching in all branches of chemistry. In The SPQ organizes a national meeting every two years and, in the alternate years, specialized meetings on the scientific areas of the society divisions. The SPQ also organizes the National Chemistry Olympiad, from which are selected the teams that take part International Chemistry Olympiads. The SPQ is also actively involved in international organizations.
Società Chimica Italiana (SCI)
The Società Chimica Italiana (SCI) was founded in 1909. It now has 4500 members and it is the largest scientific association in Italy. Members come from universities, schools, industry, research, and control institutions as well. All the 11 divisions and a variety of interdivisional groups have their own program of activities, most of them within international disciplinary networks and regional sections provide opportunities on a local basis. From its birth, the SCI took the charge of publishing one of the most ancient journals of chemistry in Europe: the Gazzetta Chimica Italiana. The editorial activity of the SCI was implemented during the years with other journals covering the medicinal chemistry and the environmental and analytical areas. The Italian Chemical Society participates with enthusiasm to amalgamate their journals within the framework of Chemistry Europe projects including recently ChemMedChem and ChemSusChem.
Société Chimique de France (SCF)
The genesis of the Société Chimique de France (SCF) can be traced back to 1857 when three students of renowned chemists, Balard, Berthelot, Chevreul, and Dumas, aimed at founding a society providing their members with the "latest progress in Chemistry". This "club", which organized weekly meetings in a café of Paris Latin Quarter, was structured as the Société Chimique de Paris in 1858, with new bylaws. The Society intends to "contribute to the advancement and dissemination of studies in general chemistry through its proceedings, publications of its members, awards, and promotions". The present Société Française de Chimie was founded in 1983 from the merger with the Société de Chimie Physique, founded in 1908. The name was changed to Société Chimique de France in 2009. This learned society aims "to be open to any chemist" and to "gather all the chemists in France, regardless of their specialty or adherence to academic or industrial world".
Société Royale de Chimie (SRC)
The Association Générale des Chimistes Belges was founded in 1887 in a café in Brussels at the request of the sugar industry. In 1904, the association became the Société Chimique de Belgique with the purpose to encourage the advancement of chemistry, to promote research in chemical science and industry, and to increase and disseminate chemical knowledge through its meetings, reports, papers, and publications. After one hundred years of existence the association was recognized as a Royal Society in 1987.
Svenska Kemistsamfundet (SK)
In November 1883, at a meeting in Stockholm the Kemiska Samfundet i Stockholm was founded (later changed to Kemistsamfundet). At that time the association was merely a discussion club with a focus on chemistry and its applications. During the 1950s the Svenska Kemistsamfundet started its progress to the national learned society of today with the foundation of local sections and divisions. Today the society has about 3600 individual members, 19 sections, and 8 divisions. The activities range from open lectures to international conferences.
Asian Chemical Editorial Society (ACES)
The Chemical Society of Japan, the Chinese Chemical Society, the Korean Chemical Society and the Chemical Research Society of India formed a partnership by creating ACES in 2005, with the mutual aim of creating a modern publishing forum for chemical research in Asia and coordinating future publishing activities. In the following the four founding societies invited further chemical societies to join. Today ACES consists of twelve major chemical societies throughout Asia and the Pacific. The participating societies share a commitment to scientific excellence, to publishing ethics, and to the highest standards in publication. ACES and its European sister organization, Chemistry Europe, mutually support each other in the publication of their journals Chemistry - An Asian Journal, /Chemistry - A European Journal, and Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry/European Journal of Organic Chemistry. ACES also acts as a supporting organization for Chemistry Europe's ChemSusChem.Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)
Chinese Chemical Society (CCS)
Hong Kong Chemical Society (HKCS)
Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI)
Himpunan Kimia Indonesia (HKI)
Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ)
Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM)
New Zealand Institute of Chemistry (NZIC)
Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC)
Korean Chemical Society (KCS)
Chemical Society Located in Taipei, (CSLT)
Chemical Society of Thailand (CST)
Chemical Society of Vietnam (CSV)
Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI)
The Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI), founded in January 1917, is both the qualifying body in Australia for professional chemists and a learned society promoting the science and practice of chemistry. The activities of the RACI are directed by its Board and Assembly. The RACI has over 6,000 members and was granted a Royal Charter in 1932. It is concerned with the teaching and practice of chemistry and with the application of chemistry in industry, academia and government authorities. Thus, it represents and caters for the professional needs of all chemists, providing various activities and services that encompass the profession of chemistry in Australia.
Chinese Chemical Society (CCS)
The Chinese Chemical Society (CCS) is an academic organization formed by Chinese chemists of their own accord and aiming at uniting Chinese chemists at home and abroad to promote the development of chemistry in China. CCS has a total of about 50,000 members and corresponding members abroad taken together, and more than 60 organization members.
PublicationsHong Kong Chemical Society (HKCS)
The Hong Kong Chemical Society (HKCS) was established in 1978 with the following objectives:
- to diffuse and develop knowledge in chemical sciences; and to encourage the useful application of chemical science in Hong Kong;
- to establish and maintain a high standard of conduct for the chemical profession as a working discipline in Hong Kong;
- to promote cooperation among the various chemical sectors in Hong Kong by facilitating, and sharing information, expertise, experience or instruments;
- to encourage friendly collaboration among members of the Society with other recognised scientific and engineering societies or institutions.
Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI)
The Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI) was established in 1999 as part of the 50th Anniversary of the Country's Independence. The societies objectives are to promote and foster talent (e.g. by stipends), to improve the quality of Chemical Education and to interact with industry and other societies or associations, both in India and abroad.
Himpunan Kimia Indonesia (HKI)
Himpunan Kimia Indonesia (HKI) is an independent, non-profit organization founded in February 1962 to facilitate communication among Indonesian chemists and other professionals from chemistry related fields, and to promote the advancement of science, education, and application of chemistry to support a better life of mankind.
Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ)
The Chemical Society of Japan (CSJ), founded in 1878, has committed itself to promote chemistry for science and industry in collaboration with other domestic and global societies. The Society holds various academic conferences, lecture meetings and publishes journals and books. It also has a long history in chemical education and in its outreach program to the public.
PublicationsInstitut Kimia Malaysia (IKM)
The Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM) was established in 1967 with a membership of 27 chemists. It has grown along with the progressive development of the country and today with a membership of about 1800 enjoys a prominent place among the scientific non-governmental organisations in Malaysia. The Institute carries out a whole range of professional and social activities to promote Chemistry at various levels, including several Chemistry awards at school, universities and professional levels, promotion of laboratory safety and the holding of symposia and conferences. Today, the Institute has its headquarters in Kuala Lumpur as well as six Branch Committees, namely in Penang (North Malaysia), Ipoh (in the state of Perak). Johore Bahru (South Malaysia), Kuala Terengganu (East Coast State), Kuching (Sarawak State) and Kota.
New Zealand Institute of Chemistry (NZIC)
The New Zealand Institute of Chemistry (NZIC) was founded in 1931 and represents some 1000 members involved in the profession of chemistry. Members participate in the study, practice, teaching, promotion and management of chemistry.
Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC)
The Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC) is a constituent member of the Singapore National Academy of Science, Singapore Professional Centre and the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies. It is the only professional organization in Singapore that represents the interest of chemists and Chemistry in Singapore.
Korean Chemical Society (KCS)
Since its foundation in 1946, the Korean Chemical Society (KCS), as an academic organization, promotes research and education in the field of chemistry and the chemistry profession. The KCS is trying to help Korean chemists actively and contribute to the prosperity of all humankind with the slogan, "Green Chemistry, Clean World".
PublicationsChemical Society Located in Taipei (CSLT)
The Chemical Society Located in Taipei (CSLT) was established in Nanjing in 1932 and re-established in Taiwan in 1950. It has more than 2000 members and consists of 62 local organizations. The CSLT plays a leading role in chemical sciences and communication through the publication of scientific journals and its programs of national conferences, seminars and workshops.
PublicationsChemical Society of Thailand (CST)
The Chemical Society of Thailand (CST) under Royal Patronage was founded in 1980 with the main purpose of collaborating with other international chemical societies. The CST under Royal Patronage has organized various activities since and currently has approximately 900 members.
Chemical Society of Vietnam (CSV)
The Chemical Society of Vietnam (CSV) was founded in 1989 and is a professional organization of chemical scientists, researchers and producers in academia and industry. The objective of the CSV is to reassemble and unite all Vietnamese chemists and chemicals producers inside and outside of Vietnam, in order to improve professional knowledge and abilities, carry out scientific and technical activities and apply research results to production and everyday life. The CSV currently has about 3500 members.
Korean Society of Organic Synthesis (KSOS)
The Korean Society of Organic Synthesis (KSOS) was founded in 2010 as a nonprofit professional organization to promote research and education in organic synthesis. Its members include a broad range of scientists from academia and industry who are involved with organic synthesis. The KSOS holds various conferences including scientific symposia, workshops, industrial seminars, and international forums.
PublicationsShanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry / Chinese Academy of Sciences
The Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIOC) was founded in 1950, following the merger of the Institute of Chemistry of the former Central Academy of Sciences with the Institute of Chemistry and Institute of Materia Medica of the former Peking Academy of Sciences. Under the encouragement of the "Knowledge Innovation Program" of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, SIOC has fostered the view that fundamental and applied research of organic chemistry are its principal directions, and that environment-friendly organic chemistry is a strategic goal for sustainable development. Organic chemistry especially organic synthetic chemistry is taken as its area of core competency, and is integrated with life science, material science, informational science and environmental science.
PublicationsIsrael Chemical Society (ICS)
The Israel Chemical Society is a registered organization dedicated to the advancement of pure and applied chemistry, both nationally and internationally. The ICS consists of ten sections: analytical chemistry, computational chemistry, educational chemistry, inorganic-bioinorganic chemistry, industrial chemistry, medical chemistry, organic, bioorganic and physical organic chemistry, physical chemistry, solid state chemistry, and theoretical chemistry. A meeting of the ICS is held every year at which all the sections are represented.
PublicationsGerman Materials Society
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM)
The DGM, one of the strongest organizations in materials science in Europe, is involved with the materials science aspects of the production, processing and application of metallic and non-metallic materials. It has 2,300 personal members from industry and academia and 190 corporate and institutional members.
German Iron and Steel Institute
VDEH - Stahlinstitut
Founded as far back as 1860, the German Iron and Steel Institute (Stahlinstitut VDEh) aims to encourage technical, technico-scientific, and scientific cooperation between engineers with a view to advancing steel technology and promoting steel as a material. Today, the institute has some 7,500 individual members as well as 150 companies active in iron and steelmaking and associated industries.
PublicationsFederation of European Materials Societies (FEMS)
The Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS) is a non-profit umbrella organisation presently serving 28 national materials societies in 22 countries. Together they have over 25,000 members throughout Europe engaged in the production, utilization, and development of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites etc.
Société Française de Métallurgie et des Matériaux (SF2M)
The SF2M deals with all materials science aspects of the production, processing and application of metallic and non-metallic materials. It has ca. 1,000 personal members from industry and academia.
PublicationsSwiss Association for Materials Technology
Schweizer Verband für die Materialtechnik (SVMT)
The Swiss Association for Materials Technology (SVMT) represents materials science and technology issues in the Swiss universities research organisations and industry. This encompasses all areas where materials are of importance, ranging from the automobile industry to electronics and IT, micro, and nanotechnology and biomaterials.
The SVMT currently has ca. 300 members from industry and academia.
European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS)
EFIS is an umbrella organization that represents more than 12,000 individual members from 30 member societies in 31 European countries (all European Union member states and all other European states) and reaches beyond the European boundaries to Israel. The main goals of EFIS are the support of immunological research and education, as well as the strengthening of scientific interactions amongst its members. The Society focuses especially on supporting young scientists, e.g. through fellowships and travel grants.
PublicationsGermany Society of Immunology
The society furthers the development of the discipline immunology as an area of research in medicine and the natural sciences. In particular the society wishes to promote research in basic immunology, and to encourage the progress of young researchers in immunology. The society has a total of about 1,850 members. The DGfI is member of EFIS (European Federation of Immunological Societies) and IUIS (International Union of Immunological Societies).
European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids
Euro Fed Lipid is a federation of societies and groups in Europe comprising 2,000 members. The Federation promotes cooperation and exchange between member societies and fosters the science and technology of fats, oils and lipids.
PublicationsDeutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
The DFG is the central public funding organization for academic research in Germany. Its mandate is to serve science and the arts in all fields by supporting research projects carried out in universities and public research institutions in Germany. It promotes cooperation between scientists in addition to forging and supporting links between German academia, industry and partners in foreign countries.
PublicationsMax Planck Society
The Max Planck Society was founded on February 26, 1948, and is the successor organization to the Kaiser Wilhelm Society for the Advancement of Science. The research institutes of the Max Planck Society perform basic research in the interest of the general public in the natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences, and the humanities.
Novartis Foundation
Novartis Foundation is a scientific and educational charity, formed in 1949 by the Swiss company Ciba (now Novartis). Located in central London, Novartis Foundation exists to promote scientific excellence by arranging internationally acclaimed scientific meetings, publishing books and communicating science to the public.
Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik e.V. (GAMM)
The Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
The Society for Applied Mathematics and Mechanics promotes scientific development and fosters international cooperation in applied mathematics and all areas of mechanics and physics. Currently comprising 2,000 members, it has a distinctly international orientation.
PublicationsEuropean BioSafety Association
European BioSafety Association (EBSA) was founded in June 1996. It is a not for profit organisation which aims to provide a forum for its members to discuss and debate issues of concern and to represent those working in the field of biosafety and associated activities. The Association has individual members, representing over 24 countries in Europe, as well as other regions. Since March 2007 Biotechnology Journal has a liaison with EBS and publishes monthly Biosafety News.
PublicationsDeutsche Bodenkundliche Gesellschaft
The aim of the German Society of Plant Nutrition is to further the science of plant nutrition and related topics. Most members of the society have a professional interest in plant nutrition through their work in university departments, research institutes or industry.
PublicationsGerman Society for Plant Nutrition
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pflanzenernährung (DGP)
The aim of the German Society of Plant Nutrition is to further the science of plant nutrition and related topics. Most members of the society have a professional interest in plant nutrition through their work in university departments, research institutes or industry.
PublicationsVBIO - German Life Sciences Association
VBIO - the German Life Sciences Association - is the umbrella organisation of the major representatives of Bio and Life Sciences in Germany and comprises about 5.300 individual members, 30 institutional members with more than 30.000 members and 75 cooperating companies and institutions. VBIO represents all disciplines in life sciences, from molecular and cell biology to bio medicine. Biologie in unserer Zeit is the official journal of VBIO.
PublicationsInternational Union of Soil Sciences
The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) is the global union of soil scientists. The society was founded as the International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) on 19th May 1924. The IUSS is a scientific union member of International Council for Science (ICSU) since 1993. The objectives of the IUSS are to foster all branches of the soil sciences and their applications, and to give support to soil scientists in the pursuit of their activities.
PublicationsIndustrial Organisation for Food Technology and Packaging
Industrievereinigung für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung e.V. (IVLV)
The Industrievereinigung für Lebensmitteltechnologie und Verpackung e. V. (IVLV) supplies funds for industrial pre-competitive research. It exclusively supports scientific research and development in food and other products such as pharmaceutics, cosmetics and technical goods and their packaging. Today there are more than 130 member companies in the IVLV.
PublicationsSociety for History of Science
Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte
Founded in 1965, the Society is dedicated to supporting all areas of the history of science. It is concerned with interdisciplinary historic topics in the natural and social sciences, medicine and engineering, promotes the new generation of scientists, advises the responsible committees in questions of education, training and careers and campaigns for financial aid for scientific projects connected with the history of science. A further important concern is the cultivation of publications in the field and an exchange of ideas on professional and technical matters.
PublicationsMuseum für Naturkunde
Leibniz-Institut fü Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
The Museum für Naturkunde emerged from the union of three separate museums that had been established simultaneously with the founding of the Berlin University in 1810, including: the Anatomical-Zootomical Museum, the Mineralogical Museum (founded in 1814) and the Zoological Museum. The Museum für Naturkunde is today part of the Humbold-University in Berlin. The theme "Evolution of diversity - origin of earth and the development of its life" sets the frame for research at the Museum für Naturkunde, which pursues the question how earth was formed and how the diversity and abundance of living organisms, this unique feature of our planet, arose.
PublicationsInternational Pyrotechnics Society
The society with almost 300 members from 30 countries promotes and facilitates the exchange of information concerning the science and technology of energetic materials, including propellants, explosives, and pyrotechnics.
PublicationsEuropean Society for Separation Science (EuSSS)
EuSSS is a non-profit organization whose target is to advance and harmonize research in separation science and to promote its recognition among the 26 member countries.
PublicationsCalifornia Separation Science Society (CaSSS)
Located in San Francisco, California, the California Separation Science Society (CaSSS) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to advance separation science and bioanalysis. CaSSS sponsors international scientific symposia for the biotechnology, pharmaceutical and academia arenas.
PublicationsThe International Biometric Society, German region
Internationale Biometrische Gesellschaft, Deutsche Region
The German region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR) contains the around 900 members of the IBS living in Germany. Its aim is promoting biometrics in research, academia and application, mainly by holding scientific colloquia and supporting scientific work groups.
PublicationsThe International Biometric Society, Austrian & Swiss region
Internationale Biometrische Gesellschaft, Region Österreich-Schweiz (ROeS)
The Austrian & Swiss region of the International Biometric Society (IBS) provides a forum for information and the exchange of opinions regarding statistical methods in all areas of application in biometrics (medicine, biology, pharmaceuticals, farming, forestry, veterinary medicine, ecology, epidemiology, genetics, etc.). The organization is the responsibility of Swiss and Austrian biological scientists.
PublicationsGerman Neuroscience Society
The German Neuroscience Society has the goal to support neuroscience in research and education and to represent this field of research within Germany and abroad. The German Neuroscience Society is a member society of IBRO, a founding member of FENS and an associate member of the VBIO.
The Human Proteome Organisation
The Human Proteome Organisation (HUPO) considers itself the global association for all national and regional proteome organizations. It is committed to scientific and educational activities to encourage technological developments in the field and to supporting the dissemination of scientific results on the human proteome and that of model organisms.
PublicationsSociety of Human Ontogenetics
Gesellschaft für Humanontogenetik e.V.
Founded in 1995 as a supporting association, the GfH is a modern scientific society operating on both a national and international level. The GfH promotes the integration of those sciences that are concerned directly with human beings. It supports and organizes interdisciplinary cooperation between scientists and practitioners, while also dealing with further education, promoting future generations, research in human sciences and journalism.
PublicationsGSF National Research Center
Founded in 1995 as a supporting association, the GfH is a modern scientific society operating on both a national and international level. The GfH promotes the integration of those sciences that are concerned directly with human beings. It supports and organizes interdisciplinary cooperation between scientists and practitioners, while also dealing with further education, promoting future generations, research in human sciences and journalism.
German Society for Cell Biology
The association of scientists as well as of industrial and media concerns fosters the research in Cell Biology in German-speaking countries.
Canadian Institute of Health Economics (IHE)
IHE is a unique partnership of government, academia and industry representatives committed to providing relevant research that will help policy makers formulate decisions regarding the best means of delivering health care while ensuring optimal use of resources. The Institute is a member of the International Network for Health Technology Assessment and the Health Evidence Network of the World Health Organization.
Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS)
FENS represents a large number of national European neuroscience societies and several monodisciplinary societies. FENS was founded in 1998 at the Forum of European Neuroscience in Berlin and is the successor organisation of ENA, the European Neuroscience Association. FENS was founded with the goal of advancing research and education in neuroscience and representing neuroscience research in the European Commission, IBRO (International Brain Research Organization), and other granting bodies.
German Dermatologic Society
Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG)
The Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (German Dermatologic Society) (DDG) is the scientific speciality society for German-speaking dermatologists. The goals of the DDG are the advancement of scientific and clinical dermatology, venereology and allergology; as well as the subspecialty disciplines of andrology, phlebology, proctology, dermatologic-oncology, dermatologic radiation therapy, dermatologic microbiology, occupational and environmental dermatology, and preventive dermatology/rehabilitation.
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO)
The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) promotes excellence in the molecular life sciences in Europe. Today EMBO has approximately 1500 members in Europe and 80 associate members worldwide - providing a dedicated focal point for the vast network of molecular biology.
PublicationsESBES: EFB Section on Biochemical Engineering Science
The Section on Biochemical Engineering Science (ESBES), established in August 1995, is the first and oldest section of the European Federation of Biotechnology (EFB). ESBES organizes activities that encourage integration and interaction.
PublicationsAsian Federation of Biotechnology
The Asian Federation of Biotechnology (AFOB) is a non-profit organization established in 2008 and consists of societies related to biotechnology in Asia. The federation aims to promote exchange of knowledge, skills and people between academia and industry in Asia and also internationally.
PublicationsFrench Society of Microscopy
Société Française des Microscopies (SFMU)
The Société Francaise des Microscopies (SFMU) is a learned society whose objective is to develop and promote microscopy. It succeeded the French Society of Electron Microscopy (SFME) in 1998, which had been founded in 1959.
French Society of Cell Biology
Société de Biologie Cellulaire de France (SBCF)
Founded in 1984, the Société de Biologie Cellulaire de France (SBCF) supports cell biologists and their research in France. The SBCF co-organizes international meetings, awards research prizes and stipends and is a member of the FRSV (Fédération Reaumur des Sciences du Vivant).
Publicis Publishing
Publicis Publishing is active as a book publisher in the fields of technology and business, and, in addition, is one of Germany's leading corporate media service providers. The product portfolio includes corporate books, magazines, annual reports and catalogs.