John Wiley & Sons Professional C++ Cover Expand your C++ knowledge quickly and efficiently with this advanced resource In the newly revised .. Product #: 978-1-394-19317-2 Regular price: $63.46 $63.46 Auf Lager

Professional C++

Gregoire, Marc

Tech Today


6. Auflage Februar 2024
1376 Seiten, Softcover

ISBN: 978-1-394-19317-2
John Wiley & Sons

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Expand your C++ knowledge quickly and efficiently with this advanced resource

In the newly revised sixth edition of Professional C++, veteran software engineer and developer Marc Gregoire delivers yet another volume that raises the bar for advanced programming manuals. Covering almost all features of the new C++ standard codenamed C++23, the book offers case studies with working code that's been tested on Windows and Linux.

As the leading resource for dedicated and knowledgeable professionals seeking to advance their C++ skills, this book provides resources that help readers:
* Master new features of the latest standard, C++23
* Maximize C++ capabilities with effective design solutions
* Discover little-known elements and learn about pitfalls and what practices to avoid
* Grasp testing and debugging best practices
* Learn about tips and tricks for efficiency and performance

C++ is a complex language. Professional C++, 6th Edition, allows dedicated practitioners to remain current and abreast of the latest developments and advances.

Introduction xli

Part I: Introduction to Professional C++

Chapter 1: a Crash Course in C++ and the Standard Library 3

Chapter 2: Working with Strings and String Views 87

Chapter 3: Coding with Style 119

Part II: Professional C++ Software Design

Chapter 4: Designing Professional C++ Programs 145

Chapter 5: Designing with Classes 177

Chapter 6: Designing for Reuse 197

Part III: C++ Coding the Professional Way

Chapter 7: Memory Management 221

Chapter 8: Gaining Proficiency with Classes and Objects 259

Chapter 9: Mastering Classes and Objects 295

Chapter 10: Discovering Inheritance Techniques 357

Chapter 11: Modules, Header Files, and Miscellaneous Topics 421

Chapter 12: Writing Generic Code with Templates 451

Chapter 13: Demystifying C++ I/o 501

Chapter 14: Handling Errors 533

Chapter 15: Overloading C++ Operators 577

Chapter 16: Overview of the C++ Standard Library 619

Chapter 17: Understanding Iterators and The Ranges Library 653

Chapter 18: Standard Library Containers 683

Chapter 19: Function Pointers, Function Objects, and Lambda Expressions 761

Chapter 20: Mastering Standard Library Algorithms 791

Chapter 21: String Localization and Regular Expressions 831

Chapter 22: Date and Time Utilities 861

Chapter 23: Random Number Facilities 879

Chapter 24: Additional Vocabulary Types 891

Part IV: Mastering Advanced Features of C++

Chapter 25: Customizing and Extending the Standard Library 909

Chapter 26: Advanced Templates 945

Chapter 27: Multithreaded Programming with C++ 985

Part V: C++ Software Engineering

Chapter 28: Maximizing Software Engineering Methods 1043

Chapter 29: Writing Efficient C++ 1065

Chapter 30: Becoming Adept at Testing 1093

Chapter 31: Conquering Debugging 1117

Chapter 32: Incorporating Design Techniques And Frameworks 1155

Chapter 33: Applying Design Patterns 1179

Chapter 34: Developing Cross- Platform and Cross- Language Applications 1211

Part VI: Appendices

Appendix A: C++ Interviews 1239

Appendix B: Annotated Bibliography 1265

Appendix C: Standard Library Header Files 1277

Appendix D: Introduction to Uml 1287

Index 1293
MARC GREGOIRE is a software engineer and developer of C/C++ applications for both Windows and Linux. He is a Microsoft MVP, the founder of the Belgian C++ users group, and is currently working on X-ray, CT, and 3-D geometric inspection software for Nikon Metrology. He previously worked on critical 2G and 3G telecom software for Siemens and Nokia Siemens Networks. Marc is the author of Professional C++ 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th editions, co-author of C++ Standard Library Quick Reference, technical editor on numerous books and articles, and maintains a blog at

M. Gregoire, Microsoft MVP