John Wiley & Sons Archaeologist's Fieldwork Guide Cover The new edition of the most comprehensive, practical, and user-friendly guide of its kind, providing.. Product #: 978-1-119-84531-7 Regular price: $46.64 $46.64 Auf Lager

Archaeologist's Fieldwork Guide

Kipfer, Barbara Ann


2. Auflage Januar 2023
512 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-84531-7
John Wiley & Sons

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The new edition of the most comprehensive, practical, and user-friendly guide of its kind, providing quick reference to the information needed by archaeologists doing fieldwork

The Archaeologist's Fieldwork Guide is the must-have companion for anyone planning and performing fieldwork, whether a student going into the field for the first time or a professional archaeologist with years of real-world experience. Designed to be an all-in-one informational toolkit, the Guide is packed with the technical and practical information archaeologists need to know when in the field--supported by more than 400 lists and checklists, planning aids, measurement charts and tables, analysis and classification guides, sample forms, abbreviations and codes, and much more.

Fully revised throughout, the second edition features two entirely new chapters on technology in the field and the archaeology laboratory, incorporating current tools and technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS), 3D data capture and modeling, DNA extraction, light detection and ranging (LiDAR) scanning, remotely controlled drones, and underground mapping. New and updated coverage includes flotation samples and processing, oxidizable carbon ratio dating, phytolith sampling, and water screening.
* Covers classification and typology, creating forms and records, measurement and conversion, laboratory handling and processing, artifact mapping, drawing, and photographing
* Offers new and updated material on legislation regarding archaeological fieldwork and emerging topics such as community engagement and public archaeology.
* Provides up-to-date definitions and explanations of key terms and new diagrams, line drawings, and glosses
* Includes a guide to research publication, an extensive bibliography, references to relevant associations and publications, and information on where to buy supplies

The Archaeologist's Fieldwork Guide, Second Edition is an indispensable resource for undergraduate and graduate archaeology students, students taking courses in anthropology, ethnography, and cultural resource management (CRM), archaeology enthusiasts and volunteers, and professional archeologists at any level.



1 Classification and Typology

Appliqué types

Artifact industries

Assemblage types

Attributes, basic categories of

Attributes of flakes illo

Basket parts

Basketry types

Binford pipestem chronology

Bone classification and description

Bottle mold types/bottle manufacturing types

Bottle parts

Boundary types

Burial types and descriptions

Button attributes

Cemetery types

Ceramics attributes

Ceramics bases

Ceramics basic body shapes

Ceramics classification by attributes

Ceramics decoration types

Ceramics fluid/liquid decoration types

Ceramics fragment size classification

Ceramics identification chart

Ceramics rim classes

Ceramics type-function classification

Ceramics vessel parts

Ceramics ware-fabric classification

Ceramics ware-fabric classification, historical

Clay types

Coinage types

Context types

Data types, historical

Debitage types (lithic)

Effigy classification

Figurine description

Glass attributes

Glass classification

Glaze classification

Ground stone attributes

Ground stone uses

Invertebrate classification

Lithics attributes

Lithics use-wear traits

Materials basic categories

Metal artifact categories

Mohs scale of hardness

Munsell sheets illo

Nail classification

Particle size descriptions

Perforation types

Plant remains categories

Projectile point attributes

Projectile point parts and measures

Shell classification

Site by function

Site by type

Soil classification, general

Soil horizons and subdivisions

Soil layers

Soil particle shape

Soil structure types

Soil taxonomy

Soil textural classes

Stone tool classification, flaked or chipped

Stone tool classification, ground

Stone tool parts

Stratigraphical context and relationship types

Survey classes

Survey methods of inspection

Timber/jointing description terms

Tin can types

Tooth types

Tyler Scale/grades of clastic sediments

Units and spatial divisions

Vertebrate classification

Wentworth Grain Size Classification

2 Forms and Records

Agreement between landlord/property owner and survey party

Artifact/field specimen inventory or catalog (1, 2)

Artifact (provenience) label/tag (1, 2)

Basketry record

Building/structure inventory form

Bulk sample log

Bulk soil sample label/tag

Burial record

Catalog card

Catalog form/site catalog form/field catalog/catalog log

Ceramic recording form

Coin catalog card

Context recording form

Crew attendance sheet

CRM Federal bid form requirements

CRM Phase I field notes and records

CRM Phase I shovel test bag label

CRM Phase II field notes and records

CRM Phase II artifact bag label

CRM Phase III field notes and records

Daily field report

Daily vehicle log

Datable sample form

Debitage form (lithic)

Diet evidence chart

Drawings catalog

Ecological information form

Excavation level form

Excavation record

Excavation summary form/unit summary form

Faunal attribute record

Feature catalog

Feature form

Feature level form

Feature record log

Feature summary form/feature record (1, 2)

Field laboratory log

Field inventory form

Field notebook system

Figurine record

Garbage project form

Gift form

Grain size analysis form

Historical resources inventory

Human remains occurrence form

Level bag inventory

Level label/tag

Level log/master unit log

Masonry form

Minimum collection unit (MCU) log

Oral history form

Participant note form

Perishables record

Photographic log

Photographic log, digital

Photographic log, Polaroid

Photographic record form

Point location catalog

Pollen count record

Provenience designation catalog

Provenience designation form

Rock art record

Sample bag label/tag

Shovel test pit form

Site record/site report/site inventory/site survey report

Site survey record

Skeleton recording form

Skin and hide record

Special finds form

Storage log, on-site

Stratigraphic description form

Stratigraphy record

Study unit catalog

Study unit form

Textile record

Total station datum table

Total station field notes form

Wall profile/plan view form

Wood and cane record

3 Lists and Checklists

Analysis-in-the-field equipment list

Arbitrary levels, working in

Artifact examination methods

Artifact field procedure

Artifact handling and lifting

Artifact packing

Artifact sampling, special

Augering and coring

Basket parts

Basketry/bark/wood field conservation

Boat kit list

Bone identification chart

Bone/antler/ivory/shell field conservation

Bulk provenience procedure

Burial excavation and observations

Burial variables checklist

Cataloging equipment list

Cataloging procedure

Ceramics field conservation

Closing out a level

Context assessment

Coordinate grid, setting up

CRM (Cultural Resource Management) phases

CRM Phase I shovel testing

CRM Phase I shovel testing equipment

Cross-sectioning a feature

Dating methods by material

Direction finding with compass

Disturbance/exposure types

Dump/sifting area placement

Ecological sample collection

Emergency/disaster strategies, first aid

Excavation equipment list/field kit

Excavation flow chart

Excavation grid, setting up by taping/triangulation

Excavation grid, setting up with right angle

Excavation rules

Expedient grid, setting up

Faunal collection, analysis, and identification

Features guidelines

Field clothing list

Field conservation initial steps

Field crew

Field etiquette

Field hazards

Field note-taking

Field vehicle equipment list

Field walking

Fieldwork competence guidelines

Fieldwork tools illos

First aid kit illo Poisonous plants

Flaked stone artifact identification

Flora collection, analysis, and identification

GPS use

Ground search survey considerations

Ground stone artifact identification

Harris Matrix

Harris Matrix illo

Hearth identification

Historical documents

Hot weather tips

Indicators of potential archaeological site

Knife sharpening

Labeling site grids

Landowner interview questions

Landscape reconstruction sources

Leather/skins/textiles/cordage field conservation

Level subdividing

Level sheet recording

Lithics field conservation

Lithics identification chart

Locating a site within a section

Masonry and brick description terms

Metal artifact analysis steps

Metal field conservation

Oral history instructions

Photo menu board use

Pit identification

Point provenience procedure

Pollen sample collection

Post mold identification

Powers' Scale of Roundness for grains

Preparing to go on a dig

Reconnaissance equipment

Recording artifacts with residues

Recoding artifact findspot

Recording artifact quarry

Recording artifact scatter

Recording cores

Recording features

Recording flaked stone artifacts

Recording rock art

Recording shell midden

Recording stratigraphic profile

Recording standing structure

Recording stone arrangements

Recording tools' function

Research design

Rock and mineral identification chart

Sample collection

Sampling deep-site excavation

Sampling strategy decisions

Sampling strategy types

Sampling techniques

Screen mesh chart


Sediment texture tests

Shell analysis steps

Single-context planning

Soil analysis checklist

Soil analysis procedure

Soil samples

Soil types' effects on materials

Strata, defining individual

Stratigraphic/natural level excavation method

Structural remains guidelines

Supervisor checklist

Supervisor sample budget

Surface observations checklist

Surface survey basic observations

Survey preparation

Survey team responsibilities

Survival kit

Taping instructions

Telescope setup and use

Theodolite/transit/dumpy level setup

Theodolite/transit/dumpy level use

Tree-ring sample collection

Trench shoring

Trenching types

Troweling method

Unit completion

Unit excavation

Vertical-face excavation methods

When you find a potential site

4 Mapping, Drawing, and Photography

Drawing a plan with offsetting

Drawing a site plan

Drawing a skeleton

Drawing architectural plans

Drawing artifact details

Drawing, drafting, and mapping equipment list

Drawing earth types in sections

Drawing frame use

Drawing from a digital photograph

Drawing instructions

Drawing outline of an artifact

Drawing profiles and sections

Drawing scale change using a photocopier

Drawing scales

Drawing small finds

Drawing special sections

Drawing stages for artifacts

Drawing stone artifacts

Drawing symbols for archaeology

Drawings, types of archaeological

Map colors

Map, making sketch

Map, reading topographic

Map scales, USGS

Map symbols

Mapping a site

Mapping and drawing features

Mapping and surveying equipment list

Mapping and surveying symbols

Mapping instruments

Mapping / plotting contour lines

Mapping scales and areas

Mapping to scale for artifacts

Mapping with plane table

Mapping-with-plane-table equipment

Maps for archaeological sites

Photographic equipment list

Photographic guidelines

Photographs, aerial

Photographs to be taken

Photography, digital

Photo menu board use

5 Measurement and Conversion

Alidade care and adjustment

Area calculation

Baseline/datum line, datum point, site benchmark and datum plane,

site reference point

Bearing using protractor illo

Bearings calculation

Benchmark tying to datum point

Compass points-to-degrees conversion

Compass positioning illo

Datum line ranging with tape

Dumpy level use

EDM use to set up a grid

GPS information

Horizontal angle measurement

How to set up a level

Level-taking in unit

Level-taking of sites and features

Lines or transects layout

Locating to an Ordnance Survey map

Locating to the National Grid

Map area to field area conversion

Map scale equivalents

Measurement conversion guide

Measurement equipment

Measuring around/over obstacles

Measuring depth of an artifact or feature

Measuring distance

Measuring heights and elevation


Orienting a compass to a map


Plane table use

Planimeter use

Plumbing a line

Plumbing the line/taping a slope

Radial measurement

Radiocarbon sample size

Right triangle, sine, cosine, tangent

Rim measuring scale

Sample sizes

Site grid establishment

Slope calculation

Stadia formula

Stadia reduction tables

Subdatum points

Surveying tables

Surveying with a hand level

Surveying common errors

Tape measurements

Taping a slope

Taping common errors

Taping procedures

Theodolite use

Theodolite use to set up a grid

Three-point problem

Tool measurement > Biface/projectile point parts illo

Total station use

Transferring height from benchmark to temporary benchmark

Transit, theodolite, dumpy level set-up

Transit-stadia traverse measurement

Traverse recording


UTM coordinate counter illo

UTM grid location of archaeological site

Vertical angle measurement

Vertical distance measurement

Vertical provenience measurement illo

Vessel measurement

Vessel measurement illo

Weights, measures, temperatures (equivalents)

6 Technology in the Field

Acoustic research/archaeoacoustics

Augering and coring

Computer tablet use

DNA sampling

Drone use

Electric resistance surveying

Field walking

Flotation sampling

Geomagnetic surveying

Geophysical techniques and underground mapping

GIS overlays illo

GIS tool use

Ground-penetrating radar

LiDAR illo

LiDAR use

Major scientific dating methods

Mechanical Excavator Use

Metal detector use

Optically stimulated luminescence

Oxidizable carbon ratio dating


Phytolith sampling

Pollen sampling

Radiocarbon dating sources of error

Radiocarbon formation illo

Reflectance transformation imaging

Satellite imagery

Space archaeology

Strontium-isotope sampling

3D data capture and modeling

Thermoluminescence illo

Two-bucket flotation system illo

Water screening

Web-based archaeology, Internet presence

7 Archaeology Laboratory

Archiving tips

Artifact cataloging

Artifact conservation

Artifact handling and cleaning

Artifact handling and cleaning, specific

Artifact labeling

Artifact sorting

Artifact storage

Field lab processing illo

Flow of artifacts through lab illo

Lab analysis

Lab environment

Lab equipment

Lab safety

Lab use rules

Modeling or reconstruction

Record storage on computer

Record storage types

Reporting results and publication

8 Abbreviations and Codes

Animal taxon codes

Bone and antler artifact codes

Bone codes

Ceramics burnish and luster codes

Ceramics codes

Ceramics construction and surface treatment codes

Ceramics excision and incision codes

Ceramics fabric codes

Ceramics fragment size codes

Ceramics painted motif codes

Ceramics ware color codes/Munsell codes

Chipped stone artifact codes

Clay pipe codes

Field report abbreviations

Geologic codes

Glass artifact codes

Ground stone artifact codes

Organic artifact codes

Packaging composition codes

Shell artifact codes

Stone codes

Surveying abbreviations

Tooth artifact codes

9 Resources

Archaeological associations

Archaeological journals


Ethics in field archaeology

Federal (U.S.) legislation regarding archaeology

Fieldwork information sources

International archaeology ethics, laws, policies

Labor rights for paid workers in archaeology

U.S. State Historic Preservation Officers (SHPO)

U.S. Federal archaeology information

U.S. protection of archaeological resources

(including permit requirements)

Where to buy equipment, supplies

BARBARA ANN KIPFER is a prominent lexicographer, linguist, and archaeologist. She is the author of more than sixty-five books in several fields, including Dictionary of Artifacts (Wiley Blackwell, 2007), and Encyclopedic Dictionary of Archaeology, Second Edition (2021). Dr. Kipfer is a Registered Professional Archaeologist and has worked as a lexicographer for forty years.

B. A. Kipfer, Lexicographer and archaeologist