Old and Middle English c.890-c.1450
An Anthology
Blackwell Anthologies

3. Auflage Dezember 2009
890 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Spanning almost seven centuries, this anthology encapsulates the foundation and consolidation of literature written in English, culminating in some of the finest works produced in the Middle Ages. Building on the success of the first two editions, Old and Middle English c.890-c.1450 ranges from the earliest writings in English up to the time of Chaucer. In response to feedback from the classroom, the third edition has been fully updated and includes newly edited versions of the Old English Wonders of the East, Poema Morale, extracts from Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe, and a number of other works.
Spanning almost seven centuries, this anthology encapsulates the foundation and consolidation of literature written in English, culminating in some of the finest works produced in English in the high Middle Ages.
* New edition of this widely-used anthology of Old and Middle English literature
* Now extended to include newly-edited versions of Old English Wonders of the East, of Poema Morale, extracts from Julian of Norwich and Margery Kempe
* Full translations are offered for the Old and earlier Middle English material, along with marginal glosses for the later texts
* A general introduction gives an outline of key works and the historical context in which they are written
Preface and Acknowledgements.
Editorial Policy.
Bede's Ecclesiastical History.
Cædmon's Hymn (from the s.viii manuscript).
Bede's 'Account of the Anglo-Saxons'.
Bede's 'Life of Cædmon'.
Alfred's Preface to the translation of Gregory's Pastoral Care.
Alfred's Translation of Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy.
**Othere and Wulfstan from the Alfredian Orosius.
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
Exeter Book.
Advent Lyrics VII and VIII.
The Wanderer.
The Seafarer.
The Whale.
Wulf and Eadwacer.
Exeter Book Riddles 5, 7, 12, 26, 29, 30, 43-46, 55.
The Wife's Lament.
The Husband's Message.
The Ruin.
Vercelli Book.
The Fates of the Apostles.
Vercelli Homily X.
The Dream of the Rood.
The Blickling Book.
**A Blickling Homily.
Ælfric's Preface to Catholic Homilies I.
*Ælfric's Series I Catholic Homily for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost.
Ælfric's Preface to the Lives of Saints.
*Ælfric's Life of St Eugenia.
The Battle of Maldon.
Beowulf Manuscript.
Beowulf, Lines 320-1250.
**Marvels of the East (extract).
The Junius Manuscript.
Wulfstan's Sermo Lupi ad Anglos.
Apollonius of Tyre.
The Peterborough Chronicle.
A Life of St Margaret.
**Ralph D'Escures' Homily on the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.
The Hymns of Saint Godric.
Hali Meidhad.
Ancrene Wisse
Digby 86
Ubi Sunt que ante nos fuerunt?
Stond wel moder under rode .
Dame Sirid.
Love is sofft.
Jesus 29.
The Love-Ron of Thomas Hales
Cotton Caligula A. ix.
La3amon's Brut
The Owl and the Nightingale .
Trinity 323.
Trinity Lyrics:.
Of One that is so Fair and Bright.
When I Think on Domesday.
When the Turf is Thy Tower.
A Saying of St Bernard.
I Sing of One that is Matchless.
An Orison to our Lady.
South English Legendary.
The Life of St Wulfstan
Robert Mannyng of Brunne.
The Chronicle.
Hadnlyng Synne.
The Land of Cockayne.
Auchinleck Manuscript.
**Either the Passion of St Margaret or Passion of St Katherine.
**Extract from Guy of Warwick.
Harley 2253.
King Horn.
Harley Lyrics:.
Earth upon Earth.
Advice to Women.
An Old Man's Prayer.
Blow, northerne wynd.
The death of King Edward I.
I syke when Y singe.
An Autumn Song.
The Ayenbite of Inwit.
Richard Rolle:.
Ego Dormio.
Ghostly Gladness.
Ywain and Gawain.
Wynnere and Wastoure.
**John Mandeville Travels (substantial extract)
**Julian of Norwich, Revelations of Divine Love (extract)
Piers Plowman.
The Canterbury Tales.
General Prologue.
Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
**The Book of Margery Kempe.
*Sir Orfeo (from Ashmole 61 with some variant readings provided).
Glossary of Common Hard Words.