Regulating Sex / Work
From Crime Control to Neo-liberalism?
Journal of Law and Society Special Issues
Regulating Sex/Work: From Crime Control to
Neo-liberalism? addresses the rise in sexual commerce and
consumption by challenging traditional responses and offering a
fresh approach to sex industry regulation
* Examines different forms of sex regulation by utilizing
examples from a range of sex markets in the UK, France, USA,
Australia, and India
* Theorizes the apparent paradox that the increase in punitive
approaches to regulating the sex industry is fueling a rise in
supply, demand, and diversification of the sex industry
Commerce: Why Regulation Matters (Jane Scoular and Teela
2. What's Law Got To Do With It? How and Why Law Matters in the
Regulation of Sex Work (Jane Scoular).
3. Mainstreaming the Sex Industry: Economic Inclusion and Social
Ambivalence (Barbara G. Brents and Teela Sanders).
4. The Movement to Criminalise Sex Work in the United States
(Ronald Weitzer).
5. When (Some) Prostitution is Legal: The Impact of Law Reform
on Sex Work in Australia (Barbara Sullivan).
6. Labours in Vice or Virtue? Neo-Liberalism, Sexual Commerce,
and the Case of Indian Bar Dancing (Prabha Kotiswaran).
7. Male Sex Work: Exploring Regulation in England and Wales
(Mary Whowell).
8. Bellwether Citizens: The Regulation of Male Clients of Sex
Workers (Belinda Brooks-Gordon).
9. Extreme Concern: Regulating `Dangerous Pictures' in the
United Kingdom (Feona Attwood and Clarissa Smith).
10. Consuming Sex: Socio-legal Shifts in the Space and Place of
Sex Shops (Baptiste Coulmont and Phil Hubbard).
11. Cultural Criminology and Sex Work: Resisting Regulation
through Radical Democracy and Participatory Action Research (PAR)
(Maggie O'Neill).
Strathclyde in Glasgow, UK.
Teela Sanders is Senior Lecturer in Sociology at the
University of Leeds, UK.