Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Biological Soft Matter Cover This book is a must-have for everyone who is working in the field of biological soft matter. All the.. Product #: 978-3-527-34348-5 Regular price: $139.25 $139.25 Auf Lager

Biological Soft Matter

Fundamentals, Properties and Applications

Nardin, Corinne / Schlaad, Helmut (Herausgeber)


1. Auflage April 2021
XII, 276 Seiten, Hardcover
50 Abbildungen (50 Farbabbildungen)
5 Tabellen

ISBN: 978-3-527-34348-5
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim


This book is a must-have for everyone who is working in the field of biological soft matter. All the important substance classes like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and polysaccarides and their role in forming superstructures are presented in this great reference.

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Weitere Versionen

PART I: Natural and Artificial Polymers
DNA nano-engineering and DNA driven nanoparticle assembly
Polysaccharides and glycoproteins
Engineered Biopolymers
Engineered Hydrogels
PART II: Macromolecular Assemblies
Lipid membranes: fusion, instabilities and cubic structure formation
Small Molecule Inhibitors for Amyloid Aggregation
Inorganic nanomaterials as promoters/inhibitors of amyloid fibril formation
PART III Mechanobiology
Professor Corinne Nardin is conducting research in the Physics and Chemistry (EPCP) department of the Institut pluridisciplinaire de recherche sur l'environnement et les matériaux (IPREM). After a professorship at the University of Geneva from 2011 to 2015 awarded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, she relocated to the UPPA. Corinne Nardin authored over 40 scientific publications and 4 book chapters.

Helmut Schlaad is professor at the University of Potsdam. He finished habilitation in 2004, mentored by Markus Antonietti, and became professor in 2014. His research interests are directed towards polymer synthesis, bio-sourced polymers, smart functional materials, and bio-inspired polymer structures. Helmut Schlaad authored more than 150 scientific publications and 11 book chapters.

C. Nardin, Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau, France; H. Schlaad, Institut Pluridisciplinaire de Recherche sur l'Environnement, et les Matériaux , Pau, France