Handbook of Nitride Semiconductors and Devices
Vol. 2: Electronic and Optical Processes in Nitrides
Handbook of Nitride Semiconductors and Devices (Band Nr. 2)
1. Auflage Juni 2008
XXXVI, 847 Seiten, Hardcover
438 Abbildungen (23 Farbabbildungen)
35 Tabellen
Die Forschung zu Gallium-Nitriden (GaN) und ihnen ähnlichen Verbindungen bzw. zu Halbleiterelementen hat sich in den letzten Jahren rasant entwickelt. Dieser zweite Band des dreibändigen Handbuches widmet sich optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften von Nitrid-Materialien.
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The three volumes of this handbook treat the fundamentals, technology and nanotechnology of nitride semiconductors with an extraordinary clarity and depth. They present all the necessary basics of semiconductor and device physics and engineering together with an extensive reference section. The handbook also deals with the properties and processes for thermal, optical (3-, 2-, 1-, 0-dimensional systems), electrical (at low- and high-electric fields, low- and high-magnetic fields for 3- and 2-dimensional systems), magnetism and magnetic properties (in dilute magnetic ion doped compounds) and spin-based device concepts. Volume 2 deals with the electrical and optical properties of nitride materials.
1.1 A Primer for Semiconductor-Metal Contacts
1.2 Current Flow in Metal-Semiconductor Junctions
1.3 GaN Schottky Barriers for High-Voltage Rectifiers
1.4 Ohmic Contact Resistance
1.5 Determination of the Contact Resistivity
1.6 Ohmic Contacts to GaN
1.7 Structural Analysis of Ohmic Contacts on GaN
1.8 Etching Techniques for III Nitrides
1.9 Implant Isolation
1.10 Process Damage
2 Determination of Impurity and Carrier Concentrations
2.1 Impurity Binding Energy
2.2 Conductivity Type: Hot Probe and Hall Measurements
2.3 Semiconductor Statistics, Density of States, and Carrier Concentration
2.4 Capacitance-Voltage Measurements
3 Carrier Transport
3.1 Prelude
3.2 Carrier Scattering
3.3 Calculated Mobility of GaN
3.4 Scattering at High Fields
3.5 Measurements of Mobility and Associated Fundamentals
3.6 Multiband Effects and Mixed Conductivity
3.7 van der Pauw Method
3.8 Quantum Hall Effect - Shubnikov-de Haas
3.9 Measured Mobility in n-type GaN
3.10 Measurement of High-Field Electron Velocity in n-Type GaN
3.11 Carrier Transport in p-Type GaN
3.12 Carrier Transport in InN
3.13 Carrier Transport in AlN
3.14 Transport in Unintentionally Doped and High-Resistivity GaN
3.15 Carrier Transport in Alloys
3.16 Two-Dimensional Transport in n-Type GaN
3.17 Interface Roughness Scattering
3.18 Quantum Transport in AlGaN/GaN 2DEG
3.19 Observations
4 The p-n Junction
4.1 Heterojunctions
4.2 Band Discontinuities
4.3 Electrostatic Characteristics of p-n Heterojunctions
4.4 Current-Voltage Characteristics of p-n Junctions
4.5 I-V Characteristics of Ideal GaN-Based p-n Junctions
4.6 I-V Characteristics of GaN-Based p-n Junctions
4.7 High-Voltage Blocking GaN and AlGaN-Based p-n Junctions
5 Optical Processes in Semiconductors and Optical Properties of Nitride Semiconductors and Heterostructures
5.1 Basics of Photoluminescence
5.2 Band-to-Band Transitions
5.3 Optical Transitions in GaN
5.4 Group-II Element Related Transitions
5.5 Blue Luminescence Band in Undoped GaN
5.6 Surface-Related Blue Luminescence in Etched GaN
5.7 Optical Properties of GaN Doped with Rare Earths
5.8 Optical Properties of Alloys
5.9 Optical Properties of Nitride Heterostructures
5.10 Quantum Dots
5.11 Intraband or Intersubband Transitions in GaN/AlGaN Quantum Wells
5.12 Nonlinear Optical Properties of III-Nitrides