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Metaverse Communication and Computing Networks

Applications, Technologies, and Approaches

Hoang, Dinh Thai / Nguyen, Diep N. / Nguyen, Cong T. / Hossain, Ekram / Niyato, Dusit (Herausgeber)


1. Auflage Oktober 2023
352 Seiten, Hardcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-394-15998-7
John Wiley & Sons

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Metaverse Communication and Computing Networks

Understand the future of the Internet with this wide-ranging analysis

"Metaverse" is the term for applications that allow users to assume digital avatars to interact with other humans and software functions in a three-dimensional virtual space. These applications and the spaces they create constitute an exciting and challenging new frontier in digital communication. Surmounting the technological and conceptual barriers to creating the Metaverse will require researchers and engineers familiar with its underlying theories and a wide range of technologies and techniques.

Metaverse Communication and Computing Networks provides a comprehensive treatment of Metaverse theory and the technologies that can be brought to bear on this new pursuit. It begins by describing the Metaverse's underlying architecture and infrastructure, physical and digital, before addressing how existing technologies are being adapted to its use. It concludes with an overview of the challenges facing the Metaverse. The result is a thorough introduction to a subject that may define the future of the internet.

Metaverse Communication and Computing Networks readers will also find:
* Detailed treatment of technologies, including artificial intelligence, Virtual Reality, Extended Reality, and more
* Analysis of issues including data security, ethics, privacy, and social impact
* A real-world prototype for Metaverse applications

Metaverse Communication and Computing Networks is a must-own for researchers and engineers looking to understand this growing area of technology, and entrepreneurs interested in establishing Metaverse businesses.

Editors' Biography xvi

List of Contributors xix

Preface xxiv

Acknowledgments xxv

Introduction xxvi

1 Metaverse: An Introduction
Lik-Hang Lee, Dimitris Chatzopoulos, Pengyuan Zhou, and Tristan Braud

1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 The Metaverse: Fantasy, Text, 3DWorlds 3

1.3 The Rise of Edge Computing 4

1.4 Universality, Interoperability, and Openness 6

1.5 Steps Toward Mobile User InteractionWithin the Metaverse 9

1.6 Bringing Users' Profiles and Assets on the Metaverse 10

1.7 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 12

2 Potential Applications and Benefits of Metaverse 17
Mshari Aljumaie, Hieu Chi Nguyen, Nam H. Chu, Cong T. Nguyen, Diep N. Nguyen, Dinh Thai Hoang, and Eryk Dutkiewicz

2.1 Metaverse Applications for Entertainment 17

2.2 Virtual Office in Metaverse 22

2.3 Education 27

2.4 Metaverse for Healthcare Services 31

2.5 Metaverse for Autonomous Vehicles 32

2.6 Metaverse for Virtual Travelling 33

2.7 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 34

3 Metaverse Prototype: A Case Study 39
Haihan Duan and Wei Cai

3.1 Overview 39

3.2 Newbie at CUHKSZ 42

3.3 CUHKSZ Metaverse 47

3.4 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 59

4 Wireless Technologies for the Metaverse 63
Hongliang Zhang, Shiwen Mao, and Zhu Han

4.1 Introduction 63

4.2 XR over NR: Standardization in 3GPP 64

4.3 Case Study: Location-Dependent AR Services in theWireless Edge-Enabled Metaverse 67

4.4 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 81

5 AI and Computer Vision Technologies for Metaverse 85
Thien-Huynh The, Quoc-Viet Pham, Xuan-Qui Pham, Tan Do-Duy, and Thippa Reddy Gadekallu

5.1 Introduction 85

5.2 AI for the Metaverse 87

5.3 Computer Vision for the Metaverse 101

5.4 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 115

6 Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality Technologies for Enabling Metaverse 125
Howe Yuan Zhu and Chin-Teng Lin

6.1 Introduction 125

6.2 Virtual Reality 129

6.3 Augmented Reality 135

6.4 Mixed Reality 139

6.5 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 143

7 Blockchain for the Metaverse: State-of-the-Art and Applications 157
Pawan Kumar Hegde, Rajeswari Chengoden, Nancy Victor, Thien Huynh The, Sweta Bhattacharya, Praveen Kumar Reddy Maddikunta, Thippa Reddy Gadekallu, and Quoc-Viet Pham

7.1 Introduction 157

7.2 Background 161

7.3 Use Cases of Blockchain for the Metaverse 167

7.4 Projects 174

7.5 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 176

8 Edge Computing Technologies for Metaverse 183
Minrui Xu and Dusit Niyato

8.1 An Overview of Edge-enabled Metaverse 184

8.2 Opportunities and Challenges in the Edge-enabled Metaverse 191

8.3 Edge-Enabled Metaverse: Release the Ubiquitous Computing and Intelligence at the Edge 194

8.4 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 199

9 Security Issues in Metaverse 205
Yuntao Wang, Zhou Su, Ning Zhang, Dongxiao Liu, Rui Xing, Tom H. Luan, and Xuemin Shen

9.1 Overview of Security and Privacy Threats in Metaverse 205

9.2 Threats and Countermeasures to Authentication and Access Control in Metaverse 207

9.3 Threats and Countermeasures to Data Management inMetaverse 212

9.4 Privacy Threats and Countermeasures in Metaverse 216

9.5 Network-Related Threats and Countermeasures in Metaverse 222

9.6 Economy-Related Threats and Countermeasures in Metaverse 225

9.7 Threats to PhysicalWorld and Human Society and Countermeasures in Metaverse 228

9.8 Governance-Related Threats and Countermeasures in Metaverse 230

9.9 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 232

10 IoT-Assisted Metaverse Services 241
Yue Han, Cyril Leung, and Dong In Kim

10.1 Why Need IoT for Metaverse Services 241

10.2 How to Use IoT for Metaverse DTs 246

10.3 A Dynamical Hierarchical Game-Theoretical Approach for IoT-Assisted Metaverse Synchronization 249

10.4 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 260

11 Quantum Technologies for the Metaverse: Opportunities and Challenges 267
Mahdi Chehimi and Walid Saad

11.1 Introduction 267

11.2 Preliminaries 270

11.3 Quantum Computing for a Faster Metaverse 274

11.4 Quantum Machine Learning for Contextual Metaverse 277

11.5 Quantum Communications for Secure Metaverse 281

11.6 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 285

12 The Metaverse with Life and Everything: An Overview of Privacy, Ethics, and Governance 293
Lik-Hang Lee, Carlos Bermejo, and Pan Hui

12.1 Introduction 293

12.2 Privacy and Security 295

12.3 Governance 299

12.4 Creation, Social Good, and Ethical Design 302

12.5 Conclusions and Future Research Directions 308

Bibliography 308

Index 311
Dinh Thai Hoang, Ph.D., is a faculty member at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He is an editor of multiple IEEE journals and has published widely on machine learning and emerging communications technologies.

Diep N. Nguyen, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and Director of Agile Communications and Computing group at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia. He serves the on editorial boards of multiple IEEE journals and has published extensively on mobile computing and digital communications.

Cong T. Nguyen received his BE degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in 2014, his MSc in Global Production Engineering and Management from the Technical University Berlin in 2016, and his PhD in Information Technology from University of Technology Sydney in 2023. He is currently with Duy Tan University, Vietnam. His research interests include blockchain technology, operation research, game theory, and optimization.

Ekram Hossain, Ph.D., is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Manitoba, Canada. He is an IEEE Fellow and co-authored the Wiley title Radio Resource Management in Multi-Tier Cellular Wireless Networks (2013).

Dusit Niyato, Ph.D., is a Professor in the School of Computer Science and Engineering at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He is an IEEE Fellow and co-authored the Wiley title Radio Resource Management in Multi-Tier Cellular Wireless Networks (2013).

D. T. Hoang, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia; D. N. Nguyen, University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia; C. T. Nguyen, Duy Tan University, Vietnam; E. Hossain, University of Manitoba, Canada; D. Niyato, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore