Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles and Mobile Devices
Wiley - IEEE

1. Auflage Juli 2017
626 Seiten, Hardcover
From mobile, cable-free re-charging of electric vehicles, smart phones and laptops to collecting solar electricity from orbiting solar farms, wireless power transfer (WPT) technologies offer consumers and society enormous benefits. Written by innovators in the field, this comprehensive resource explains the fundamental principles and latest advances in WPT and illustrates key applications of this emergent technology.
Key features and coverage include:
* The fundamental principles of WPT to practical applications on dynamic charging and static charging of EVs and smartphones.
* Theories for inductive power transfer (IPT) such as the coupled inductor model, gyrator circuit model, and magnetic mirror model.
* IPTs for road powered EVs, including controller, compensation circuit, electro-magnetic field cancel, large tolerance, power rail segmentation, and foreign object detection.
* IPTs for static charging for EVs and large tolerance and capacitive charging issues, as well as IPT mobile applications such as free space omnidirectional IPT by dipole coils and 2D IPT for robots.
* Principle and applications of capacitive power transfer.
* Synthesized magnetic field focusing, wireless nuclear instrumentation, and future WPT.
A technical asset for engineers in the power electronics, internet of things and automotive sectors, Wireless Power Transfer for Electric Vehicles and Mobile Devices is an essential design and analysis guide and an important reference for graduate and higher undergraduate students preparing for careers in these industries.
Part I Introduction
1 Introduction toMobile Power Electronics 3
2 Introduction toWireless Power Transfer (WPT) 19
3 Introduction to Electric Vehicles (EVs) 43
Part II Theories for Inductive Power Transfer (IPT)
4 Coupled Coil Model 53
5 Gyrator Circuit Model 67
6 MagneticMirror Model 99
7 General Unified Dynamic Phasor 129
Part III Dynamic Charging for Road-Powered Electric Vehicles (RPEVs)
8 Introduction to Dynamic Charging 155
9 History of RPEVs 161
10 Narrow-Width Single-Phase Power Rail (I-type) 209
11 Narrow-Width Dual-Phase Power Rail (I-type) 235
12 Ultra-Slim Power Rail (S-type) 251
13 Controller Design of Dynamic Chargers 273
14 Compensation Circuit 287
15 Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Cancel 313
16 Large Tolerance Design 337
17 Power Rail Segmentation and Deployment 357
Part IV Static Charging for Pure EVs and Plug-in Hybrid EVs
18 Introduction to Static Charging 379
19 Asymmetric Coils for Large Tolerance EV Chargers 399
20 DQ Coils for Large Tolerance EV Chargers 425
21 Capacitive Power Transfer for EV Chargers Coupler 435
22 Foreign Object Detection 457
Part V Mobile Applications for Phones and Robots
23 Review of Coupled Magnetic Resonance System(CMRS) 473
24 Mid-Range IPT by Dipole Coils 491
25 Long-Range IPT by Dipole Coils 513
26 Free-Space OmnidirectionalMobile Chargers 529
27 Two-Dimensional Omnidirectional IPT for Robots 563
Part VI Special Applications ofWireless Power
28 Magnetic Field Focusing 579
29 Wireless Nuclear Instrumentation 587
30 The Future ofWireless Power 607
Index 613
DR. CHRIS MI is a Fellow and Professor at San Diego State University. His research interests are in electric and hybrid vehicles. He has taught tutorials and seminars on the subject of HEVs/PHEVs for numerous government agencies and global companies. Dr. Chris Mi started his research in wireless power transfer (WPT) in 2008. His team has developed a number of unique topologies of WPT systems, including the double sided LCC-compensated topology, the large power capacitive wireless power transfer (CPT) technology, and low-ripple dynamic WPT. Dr. Mi is an Area Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology and was an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.