Wiley-VCH, Berlin Handbook of Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition Cover Thema dieses Buches sind verschiedene Plasmaverfahren zur gezielten Modifikation von Oberflächen und.. Product #: 978-0-471-24698-5 Regular price: $291.59 $291.59 Auf Lager

Handbook of Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition

Anders, André (Herausgeber)


1. Auflage Oktober 2000
XXIV, 736 Seiten, Hardcover

ISBN: 978-0-471-24698-5
Wiley-VCH, Berlin


Thema dieses Buches sind verschiedene Plasmaverfahren zur gezielten Modifikation von Oberflächen und oberflächennahen Schichten fester Werkstoffe. Die Gemeinsamkeit der diskutierten Methoden besteht darin, daß das bearbeitete Werkstück in ein Plasma eingebracht wird; den Ionen des Plasmas wird dabei die zur Implantation erforderliche kinetische Energie zugeführt. (09/00)

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Introduction (J. Conrad).


Fundamentals of Plasmas and Sheaths (M. Lieberman).

Ion Implantation and Thin-Film Deposition (M. Nastasi, et al.).

Fundamentals of Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation and Deposition (B. Wood, et al.).

Materials Characterization and Testing Methods-A Brief Survey (K. Walter, et al.).


Design of a PIII&D Processing Chamber (J. Matossian, et al.).

Plasma Sources (A. Anders, et al.).

Pulser Technology (D. Goebel, et al.).

Health and Safety Issues Related to PIII&D (D. Beals, et al.).


Nonsemiconductor Applications of PIII&D (K. Sridharan, et al.).

Semiconductor Applications (P. Chu, et al.).


André Anders is a Senior Staff Scientist and the Leader of the Plasma Applications Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, California. He grew up in East Germany and studied physics in Wroclaw, Poland, Berlin, Germany, and Moscow, Russia. He holds a doctorate degree in physics from Humboldt University, Berlin. From 1987 to 1991 he worked at the Academy of Sciences in East Berlin. After the fall of the Berlin Wall he moved to Berkeley, California, where he joint Berkeley Lab. He is the author of about 200 papers in refereed journals. Dr. Anders serves as an Officer/ Member on several internal conference committees and was elected Fellow of IEEE (USA) and Fellow of the Institute of Physics (UK). He also serves as a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Surface and Coatings Technology.