Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Inkjet-based Micromanufacturing Cover A unique combination of vital yet hard-to-come-by practical knowledge in one handbook and ready refe.. Product #: 978-3-527-31904-6 Regular price: $182.24 $182.24 Auf Lager

Inkjet-based Micromanufacturing

Korvink, Jan G. / Smith, Patrick J. / Shin, Dong-Youn (Herausgeber)

Advanced Micro and Nanosystems (Band Nr. 9)


1. Auflage April 2012
XVI, 372 Seiten, Hardcover
217 Abbildungen (13 Farbabbildungen)
10 Tabellen

ISBN: 978-3-527-31904-6
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim


A unique combination of vital yet hard-to-come-by practical knowledge in one handbook and ready reference, offering a well-balanced industrial and academic perspective. From the basics of instrumentation, via patterning and its control to system integration for applications.

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Inkjet-based Micromanufacturing Inkjet technology goes way beyond putting ink on paper: it enables simpler, faster and more reliable manufacturing processes in the fields of micro- and nanotechnology. Modern inkjet heads are per se precision instruments that deposit droplets of fluids on a variety of surfaces in programmable, repeating patterns, allowing, after suitable modifications and adaptations, the manufacturing of devices such as thin-film transistors, polymer-based displays and photovoltaic elements. Moreover, inkjet technology facilitates the large-scale production of flexible RFID transponders needed, eg, for automated logistics and miniaturized sensors for applications in health surveillance. The book gives an introduction to inkjet-based micromanufacturing, followed by an overview of the underlying theories and models, which provides the basis for a full understanding and a successful usage of inkjet-based methods in current microsystems research and development

Overview of Inkjet-based Micromanufacturing:
Thermal Inkjet
Theory and Modeling
Post-Printing Processes for Inorganic Inks for Plastic Electronics
Inkjet Ink Formulations
Inkjet Fabrication of Printed Circuit Boards
Antennas for Radio Frequency Identification Tags
Inkjet Printing for MEMS

Combinatorial Chemistry
Drop-On-Demand Inkjet: Piezo Inkjet, Pipejet, Thermal Inkjet, Electrohydrodynamic Inkjet
Inkjet Fundamentals
Inkjet Print Head
Monitoring: Visual Monitoring, Self-Sensing
Comparison of Calibration Methods in Inkjet Printing
System Integration
Displays: Color Filter Fabrication, Polymer Displays, Quantum-Dot LED Displays with Printable Processes
Thin-Film Transistors: OTFT, Metal Oxides
Printed Circuit Boards
Rapid Prototyping: Phase Change, High Aspect Ratio Printing
Sensors: Chemical Sensors, RF Antennas, Medical Imaging (MRI Coils)
Biological Devices
Connects and Interconnects
Jan G. Korvink holds a Chair for Microsystems Engineering at the University of Freiburg, Germany, where he also directs the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies - FRIAS. He has co-authored more than 160 papers in scientific journals, as well as numerous conference papers, book chapters and a book on semiconductors for engineers. His research interests cover the modeling, simulation and low cost fabrication of MEMS/NEMS, and applications in magnetic resonance. In 2011 he received a European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant, the Red Dot Design Concept Award and the University of Freiburg Teaching Award.

Patrick J. Smith is a Lecturer in Manufacturing Technology for the University of Sheffield, UK. He has published over 40 journal and conference papers, and has 3 patents. His main research interests are concerned with reactive inkjet printing, controlled crystallisation using inkjet and additive manufacture.

Dong-Youn Shin is Assistant Professor at the Pukyong National University in Busan, South Korea. Before his appointment, he was research engineer at LG Chem Research Park and then senior research scientist in the division of nanomechanical systems at the Korean Institute of Machinery and Materials in South Korea. He holds 38 patents and over 70 conference and journal papers. His research interests lie in maskless lithography and fine pattern generation for displays and electronics with the piezo inkjet printing technology.

J. G. Korvink, University of Freiburg, Germany; P. J. Smith, University of Sheffield, UK; D.-Y. Shin, Korea Institute of Machinery & Materials