Metal Oxide Varistors
From Microstructure to Macro-Characteristics

1. Auflage März 2019
XVI, 466 Seiten, Hardcover
245 Abbildungen (147 Farbabbildungen)
Reflecting on progress made in research, this is the first up-to-date monograph on metal oxide varistors with a focus on microstructure, conduction mechanisms, micro-contact measurements, numerical simulations, device failures, ageing, additive impacts and novel varistor systems.
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Completely up-to-date, this is the first comprehensive monograph on metal oxide varistors with a focus on microstructure, conduction mechanisms, device failures, ageing, additive impacts and future varistor systems.
As such, it covers the fundamentals and applications of metal oxide varistors, including their macro-characteristics, microstructural properties and the device-internal physical and electrical mechanisms. The author reflects on the achievements made in varistor research and propose new approaches to analyze and predict the macro-characteristics, employing such methods as micro-contact measurements and numerical simulations. In addition, he looks at future directions for varistor research, such as ZnO varistors with a high voltage gradient and low residual voltage and further varistor types based on TiO2 and SnO2.
Characteristical Parameters and Research Methods of ZnO Varistors
Microstructural Conductive Mechanism of ZnO Varistors
Microcontact Measurements of ZnO Varistors
Characteristics of ZnO Single Crystals with a Metal Oxide Layer
Microstructral Simulation of ZnO Varistors
Impulse Failures Properties and Mechanism of ZnO Varistors
ZnO Varistors with High Voltage Gradient and Low Residual Voltage
Ageing Characteristics of ZnO Varistors with High Voltage Gradient
Titanium-Based Varistors