High-k Gate Dielectrics for CMOS Technology

1. Auflage August 2012
XXXII, 558 Seiten, Hardcover
396 Abbildungen (20 Farbabbildungen)
29 Tabellen
A state-of-the-art overview of high-k dielectric materials for advanced field-effect transistors, from both a fundamental and a technological viewpoint, summarizing the latest research results and development solutions.
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A state-of-the-art overview of high-k dielectric materials for advanced field-effect transistors, from both a fundamental and a technological
viewpoint, summarizing the latest research results and development solutions. As such, the book clearly discusses the advantages of these
materials over conventional materials and also addresses the issues that accompany their integration into existing production technologies.
Aimed at academia and industry alike, this monograph combines introductory parts for newcomers to the field as well as advanced sections
with directly applicable solutions for experienced researchers and developers in materials science, physics and electrical engineering.
- Issues in High-k Gate Dielectrics and Its Stack Interfaces
- UV Engineering of High-k Thin Films
- Atomic Layer Deposition Process of Hf-based high-k Gate Dielectric Film on Si Substrate
- Structural and Electrical Characteristics of Alternative High-k Dielectrics for CMOS Applications
- Hygroscopic Tolerance and Permittivity Enhancement of Lanthanum Oxide (La2O3 ) for High-k Gate Insulators
- Characterization of High-k Dielectrics Internal Structure by X-Ray Spectroscopy and Reflectometry
- Rare Earth Oxides as High-k Gate Dielectrics for Advance Device Architectures
- The Interaction Challenges with Novel Materials in Developing High Performance and Low Leakage High-¿ /Metal Gate CMOS Tranistors
- Interfacial Dipole Effects in High-k Gate Stacks
- Metal Gate Electrode for Advanced CMOS Application
- Metal-Gate/High-¿ CMOS Evolution from Si to Ge Platform
- Theoretical Progress on GaAs Surface and GaAs/High-¿ Interface
- III-V MOSFETs with ALD High-k Gate Dielectrics
- High-k Dielectrics in Ferroelectric Gate Field Effect Transistor for Nonvolatile Memory Applications
- Rare Earth Oxides as High-k Gate Dielectrics for Advance Device Architectures
- The Interaction Challenges with Novel Materials in Developing High Performance and Low Leakage High-¿ /Metal Gate CMOS Transistors
characterization, fundamental understanding and associated applications of high-k gate dielectric thin films in novel devices. Due to his outstanding performance in research work, Professor Gang He won a scholarship award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2005 and a grant of the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science in 2006.
Zhaoqi Sun is the President of the School of Physics and Materials Science at the Anhui University. He graduated from Sichuan University and obtained his academic degrees from the University of Science and Technology of China. His research is focused on functional thin film materials for applications in microelectronics and solar cells. Professor Zhaoqi Sun has authored more than 140 scientific publications
and has received numerous scientific awards, including the Science and Technology Award of the AnhuiProvince and an Outstanding Teacher Award.