Multifunctional Nanocomposites for Energy and Environmental Applications
1. Auflage Februar 2018
704 Seiten, Hardcover
42 Abbildungen (19 Farbabbildungen)
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Dieses klar strukturierte Fachbuch legt den Schwerpunkt auf praktische Anwendungen von Nanokompositen und Nanotechnologien im Rahmen einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Es zeigt, wie Nanokomposite zur Lösung von Energie- und Umweltproblemen beitragen können, bietet zusätzlich einen breiten Überblick über Anwendungen im Energiebereich und behandelt eine einzigartige Auswahl an Umweltthemen.
Der erste Teil beschäftigt sich mit Anwendungen wie Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, Solarzellen, Katalyse, Gewinnung von Wärme und Energie aus Abfällen mithilfe der Thermoelektrizität und Wasserspaltung. Der zweite Teil beleuchtet in einzigartiger Weise ökologische Themen, darunter Atommüllmanagement sowie die Abscheidung und Speicherung von Kohlendioxid. Dieses Fachbuch vermittelt auf erfolgreiche Weise Grundlagenwissen für Einsteiger als auch die neuesten Erkenntnisse für erfahrene Wissenschaftler, Ingenieure und Forscher aus der Industrie.
Chapter 2: Advanced Nanocomposites Electrodes for Lithium Ion Batteries
Chapter 3: Carbon Nanocomposites in Electrochemical Capacitor Applicant
Chapter 4: Application in Nanostructure Electrodes in Halide Perovskite Solar Cells and Electrochromic Devices
Chapter 5: Perovskite Solar Cell
Chapter 6: Nanocomposite Structures Related to Electrospun Nanofibers for Highly Efficient and Cost Effective Dye Sensitize
Chapter7: Laser Ablation Based Techniques for Solution-phase Synthesis
Chapter 8: Thermoelectric Nano Composite for Energy Harvesting
Chapter 9: Graphene Composite Catalysts for Electrochemical Energy Conversion
Chapter 10: Electrochromic Materials and Devices Fundamentals and Nanostructuring Approaches
Chapter 11: Nanocomposite Photocatalysts for Solar Fuel Production from CO2 and Water
Chapter 12: The Application of Nanocomposite Catalysts in Biofuels Production
Chapter 13: Photocatalytic Nanomaterials for Energy and Environment
Chapter 14: Role of Interfaces at the Nano-architectured Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Production from Water Splitting
Chapter 15: Nanostructures Catalysts for Small Molecule Conversion
Chapter 16: Rational Heterostructure Design for Photo Electrochemical Water Splitting
Chapter 17: Layered Doubled Hydroxides Derived NOx Storage Reduction Catalyst for Vehicle NOx Emission Control
Chapter 18: Applications of Nanomaterial in Nuclear Waste Management
Chapter 19: Electromagnetic Interference Shielding
Chapter 20: Mussel-inspired Nanocomposites Synthesis and Promising Applications in Environmental Fields
Yuan Chen is Professor in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at The University of Sydney, Australia. He received his PhD in chemical engineering from Yale University. Before joining The University of Sydney, he was Associate Professor at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, where he served as Head of the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Division in 2011-2014. His research focuses on carbon nanomaterials for sustainable energy and environmental applications. He received several awards including Australian Research Council Future Fellowship in 2017 and Young Scientist Awards by the Singapore National Academy of Science in 2011.
Na (Luna) Lu is an associate professor of the Lyles School of Civil Engineering and School of Materials Engineering at Purdue University. She has research interests/ expertise in using nanotechnology to tailor a materials? (electrical, thermal, mechanical, and optical) properties for renewable energy applications, in particular, thermoelectric, piezoelectric and solar cells. Fundamentally, her group studies electron, phonon, and photon transport mechanisms for a given materials system, and designs the transport properties to meet the targeted performance. Her research work has been featured in national and regional media. She is the recipient of a 2014 National Science Foundation Yong Investigator CAREER Award.