Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Organic Electronics Cover This practical approach to the topic allows a first-hand insight into industrial activities to comme.. Product #: 978-3-527-31264-1 Regular price: $191.59 $191.59 Auf Lager

Organic Electronics

Materials, Manufacturing and Applications

Klauk, Hagen (Herausgeber)


1. Auflage Mai 2006
XVIII, 428 Seiten, Hardcover
281 Abbildungen (11 Farbabbildungen)
21 Tabellen

ISBN: 978-3-527-31264-1
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim


This practical approach to the topic allows a first-hand insight into industrial activities to commercialize organic electronics. Edited and written by the leading researchers and engineers from industry, the book presents unrivalled and undiluted expertise from those who know best how to assess the risks, opportunities and where this technology is really heading.

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Edited and written by the leading researchers and engineers from such companies as Philips, 3M, Xerox, Infineon, PlasticLogic, Eastman Kodak, Dupont, AIXTRON, and Hueck Folien, this book presents unrivalled and undiluted expertise from those who know best how to assess the risks, opportunities and where this technology is really heading.
As such, this practical approach complements the more scientific and fundamentals-oriented literature on the market by providing readers with a first-hand insight into industrial activities to commercialize organic electronics. Following an introduction to the topic, including the history, motivation, benefits and potentials, it reviews recent advances and covers all three important facets of organic electronics: the chemical compounds and materials, manufacturing techniques, and the resulting devices together with their current applications.

Organic Transistors
High-Performance Pentacene Transistors
Engineered Pentacenes
Organic Semiconductors Based on Polythiophene and Indolo[3,2-b]carbazole
Electrical and Environmental Stability of Polymer Thin-film Transistors
Gate Dielectrics
Advanced Flexible Polymeric Substrates
Reel-to-Reel Vacuum Metallization
Organic Vapor Phase Deposition for Organic Electronics
Thermal Imaging and Micro-contact Printing
Thin-film Transistor Fabrication by Digital Lithography
Manufacturing of Organic Transistor Circuits by Solution-based Printing
From Transistors to Large-Scale Integrated Circuits
Roll-Up Active-matrix displays
Active-matrix Light Emitting Displays
Large-Area Detectors and Sensors
Organic Semiconductor-based Chemical Sensors
"Das Buch ist sehr gut strukturiert, und die einzelnen Kapitel sind ausgezeichnet aufeinander abgestimmt. Die Balance zwischen einführenden und vertiefenden Abschnitten, zwischen grundlagenorientierten und anwendungstechnischen Aspekten, zwischen Materialbeschreibungen und Beschreibungen von Funktionseinheiten und Anwendungen ist gelungen...ist dieses hervorragende Buch sowohl Studierenden als auch Forschern an Hochschulen und in der Industrie, die sich für Mikroelektronik interessieren, sehr zu empfehlen. Auch Chemiker, Physiker, Materialwissenschaftler und Elektroingenieure, die neue Herausforderungen auf diesem faszinierenden Gebiet suchen, finden sicherlich interessante Anregungen. Ihnen allen ist zu raten: Verzichten Sie nicht auf diese Lektüre!"
Angewandte Chemie
Hagen Klauk received his PhD in electrical engineering from The Pennsylvania State University in 1999, receiving the Xerox Research Award for his doctorate on organic thin film transistors. In 2000 he joined Infineon Technologies in Erlangen, Germany and since 2005 he has been a research group leader at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany, where he is investigating a wide range of novel organic device concepts. Dr. Klauk has 60 publications and 8 patents to his name.

H. Klauk, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Germany