Planning for Community

1. Auflage Oktober 2023
272 Seiten, Softcover
Wiley & Sons Ltd
Planning for Community
A comprehensive exploration of community planning that integrates today's social and economic issues with policy and governance considerations
In Planning for Community, distinguished regional and local planner Phil Heywood delivers an insightful examination of the accelerating impacts of social, environmental, and economic changes on community life and organization. He explores the ways in which these changes can be anticipated, planned for, and managed as he reviews and evaluates the nature and challenges of place and interaction faced by traditional and emerging local communities.
The book includes discussions of the values, aims, and methods of community planning and the key operations in each of the fields of housing, work, transport, health, and environment. It should also inspire and assist readers to become more involved and influential in the lives of their local and wider communities.
Readers will also find:
* A thorough introduction to methods of inclusion and empowerment enabling effective community management
* Comprehensive explorations of the ways the values of prosperity, liberty, social justice, and sustainability link to practical community problem-solving
* Practical discussions of the values, methods, activities, design, and governance shaping community planning
* Comprehensive, well-grounded, and effective treatments of policy development and practice
Planning for Community is an excellent resource for professionals, activists, academics, and students seeking a comprehensive and readable guide to community planning.
Acknowledgements ix
1 Promises and Problems of Community Life 1
Introduction: the organization of the chapter 1
Part One, Current Cascades of Change 1
Part Two, Community Life and Change 6
Contemporary challenges to community life 7
Part Three, Competing Interpretations of Community Structure and Change 12
The roles of communication and collaboration 17
Applications of communication in community planning 19
Part Four, The Roles of Collaboration 20
Collaboration in practice 21
Conclusions 25
Endnotes 26
References 28
2 The Lives of Local Communities 33
Scope and scales of community 33
Social, economic and organisational characteristics of local communities 33
The strategies of social justice 40
Planning places 43
Community participation and governance 47
Conclusion: the durability of local communities of place and contact 50
Endnotes 50
References 50
3 Communities of Interest and Interaction 54
Introduction: scales of community organisation and issues 54
Cities as communities 54
Regional communities 57
National communities 59
Supranational political communities 62
Global communities 63
Integrating the many levels of community planning 65
Conclusions: mixed scanning for integrated community planning 68
Endnotes 69
References 70
4 Human Values and Community Goals 72
The place of values in planning 72
Value formation 72
The value of prosperity 73
The value of liberty 75
The values of social justice 77
Values for sustainable communities and environments 81
Relations among community values 87
The impacts of prosperity 87
The impacts of liberty 89
Social justice impacts 90
The demands for sustainability 90
Conclusions: how values can combine to solve problems and shape creative plans 91
Endnotes 92
References 95
5 Ways and Means 98
Introduction: the roles of art, science and craft in community planning 98
Art and creativity in planning 98
The creative roles of the written word 100
Creating wholeness within new and existing communities 101
The contributions of Christopher Alexander (1936-2022) 101
Planning as a craft 103
The four phases of planning 104
The logic of scientific discovery 105
Mistakes, problem- solving and human and social progress 107
Critical rationalist approach to planning 107
Common ground between scientific and planning method 108
Planning as craft and applied science 109
Political control and community participation 117
Conclusions: values- based methods for value fulfilment 120
Endnotes 120
References 121
6 Activities and Actions 124
Introduction: the organisation of the Chapter 124
The relations among values, activities and land uses 124
The contributions of systems thinking in managing activities 132
Activity systems analysis in practice 132
Conclusions: defining needs and exploring options for activity systems 137
Endnotes 137
References 138
7 Homes and Communities 140
Introduction: the contributions of shelter to family and community life 140
Challenges of population change in meeting global and local needs for shelter 140
Impacts and contributions of changing technology 143
Funding shelter 145
Balancing demands with supply for shelter 153
Conclusions: future directions for shelter 156
Endnotes 156
References 159
8 Facets of Community 162
Introduction and organisation of the Chapter 162
Levels and justifications for community intervention 162
The planning and organisation of work 164
Education: the place of learning in community life and development 171
The planning and delivery of health services 176
Conclusion: the many facets of community 181
Endnotes 181
References 183
9 Places, Spaces and Community Design 185
Introduction: organisation of the chapter 185
Places and their properties 185
Communal, collective and private places and spaces 190
The language of design and the vocabulary of space and place 196
Place- making: designing to make life 200
City shapes 204
Conclusion: bringing places to life 211
Endnotes 211
References 212
10 Community Governance and Participation Introduction: intentions and organisation of the chapter 214
Governance, government and community participation 214
Roles and responsibilities in governance and participation 215
Issues of freedom and order 222
The roles of negotiation and partnership in resolving conflicts 227
The development and evaluation of policies, proposals and community initiatives 227
Service activities of local government 230
Scales of community and their roles in governance and control 235
Conclusion: the contributions of participation and governance to community life 238
Endnotes 240
References 243
11 Conclusions: Community Planning Today and Tomorrow 246
Introduction: organisation and intentions of the chapter 246
Themes, roles and future directions: inclusion, negotiation, adaptation and invention 246
The future of community planning 250
Endnotes 254
References 255
Index 257