BSL3 and BSL4 Agents
Epidemiology, Microbiology, and Practical Guidelines

1. Auflage März 2012
XXX, 370 Seiten, Hardcover
36 Abbildungen (26 Farbabbildungen)
12 Tabellen
Finally, an overview of the most commonly used pathogens in biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratories. It covers for each agent their microbiology, pathogenesis, epidemiology, Diagnostic procedures and decontamination measures after an incident.
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In one handy book, this reference gathers all the necessary information on 14 of the most commonly used dangerous groups of pathogens in biosafety level 3 and 4 laboratories. All the chapters are uniformly structured, with a brief overview of the microbiology, pathology, epidemiology and detection methods for each group. In addition, a whole chapter is devoted to the special biosafety requirements, disinfection, decontamination protocols, accident literature and accident procedures, as well as treatment options for all the organisms. This chapter is clearly marked and easy to find when opening the book.
Essential literature for the increasing number of BSL3 or BSL4 labs worldwide and for medical facilities intervening in the case of an incident.
Part I Bacteria
Bacillus anthracis: Anthrax (Markus Antwerpen, Paola Pilo, Pierre Wattiau, Patrick Butaye, Joachim Frey and Dimitrios Frangoulidis)
Brucella species: Brucellosis (Sally J. Cutler, David Albert, Michel S. Zygmunt and Bruno Garin-Bastuji)
Burkholderia mallei: Glanders (Lisa D. Sprague and Mandy C. Elschner)
Burkholderia pseudomallei: Melioidosis (Lisa D. Sprague and Mandy C. Elschner)
Coxiella burnetii: Q fever (Matthias Hanczaruk, Sally Cutler, Rudolf Toman, and Dimitrios Frangoulidis)
Francisella tularensis : Tularemia (Anders Johansson, Herbert Tomaso, Plamen Padeshki, Anders Sjostedt, Nigel Silman and Paola Pilo)
Yersinia pestis: Plague (A. Laudisoit, W. Ruppitsch, A.Stoeger, and A. Pietzka)
Rickettsia species: Rickettsioses (Alice N. Maina, Stephanie Speck, Eva Spitalska, Rudolf Toman, Gerhard Dobler, and Sally J. Cutler)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Tuberculosis (Stefan Panaiotov, Massimo Amicosante, Marc Govaerts, Patrick Butaye, Elizabeta Bachiyska, Nadia Brankova, Victoria Levterova)
PART II - Viruses
Influenza virus: Highly pathogenic avian influenza (Chantal J. Snoeck, Nancy A. Gerloff, Radu I. Tanasa, Francesc Xavier Abad Morejón de Girón, Claude P. Muller)
Variola: Smallpox (Andreas Nitsche and Hermann Meyer)
Arenaviruses : Haemorrhagic fevers (Amy C. Shurtleff, Steven B. Bradfute, Sheli R. Radoshitzky, Peter B. Jahrling, Jens H. Kuhn, and Sina Bavari)
Filoviruses: Haemorrhagic fevers (Victoria Wahl-Jensen, Sheli R. Radoshitzky, Sina Bavari, Peter B. Jahrling, Jens H. Kuhn)
Bunyavirus: Haemorrhagic fevers
- Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever virus: An enzootic tick borne virus causing severe disease in man (Ali Mirazimi)
- Rift Valley Fever virus: A promiscuous vector borne virus (M. Weidmann, F.X. Abad, and J.T. Paweska)
- Hantaviruses: The most widely distributed zoonotic viruses on earth (Jonas Kingström and Ali Mirazimi)
Part I Bacteria
Bacillus anthracis (Markus Antwerpen, Paola Pilo, Pierre Wattiau, Patrick Butaye, Joachim Frey and Dimitrios Frangoulidis)
Brucella species (Sally J. Cutler, David Albert, Michel S. Zygmunt and Bruno Garin-Bastuji)
Burkholderia mallei (Lisa D. Sprague and Mandy C. Elschner)
Burkholderia pseudomallei (Lisa D. Sprague and Mandy C. Elschner)
Coxiella burnetii (Matthias Hanczaruk, Sally Cutler, Rudolf Toman, and Dimitrios Frangoulidis)
Francisella tularensis (Anders Johansson, Herbert Tomaso, Plamen Padeshki, Anders Sjostedt, Nigel Silman and Paola Pilo)
Yersinia pestis (A. Laudisoit, W. Ruppitsch, A.Stoeger, and A. Pietzka)
Rickettsia (Alice N. Maina, Stephanie Speck, Eva Spitalska, Rudolf Toman, Gerhard Dobler, and Sally J. Cutler)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Stefan Panaiotov, Massimo Amicosante, Marc Govaerts, Patrick Butaye, Elizabeta Bachiyska, Nadia Brankova, Victoria Levterova)
PART II Viruses
Influenza virus (Chantal J. Snoeck, Claude P. Muller)
Variola virus (Andreas Nitsche and Hermann Meyer)
Arenaviruses (Amy C. Shurtleff, Steven B. Bradfute, Sheli R. Radoshitzky, Peter B. Jahrling, Jens H. Kuhn, and Sina Bavari)
Filoviruses (Victoria Wahl-Jensen, Sheli R. Radoshitzky, Sina Bavari, Peter B. Jahrling, Jens H. Kuhn)
Bunyaviruses - Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever virus (Ali Mirazimi)
Bunyaviruses - Rift Valley Fever virus (M. Weidmann, F.X. Abad, and J.T. Paweska)
Bunyaviruses - Hantaviruses (Jonas Kingström and Ali Mirazimi)
Patrick Butaye is a senior researcher active at the Veterinary and Agrochemical Research center and a professor at the University of Ghent, Faculty of Veterinary medicine. He obtained his academic degrees at the University of Ghent. He authored and co-authored in more than 70 international scientific publications.
Sally Cutler is a Reader in Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the University of East London. She gained her PhD from Imperial College, University of London on the epidemiology of Lyme borreliosis in the UK. She has since specialized in bacterial zoonoses including relapsing fever borreliosis, leptospirosis, rickettsiosis, brucellosis and Q fever. Much of her research is collaborative with developing countries. She has authored over 60 scientific publications, serves on the editorial panel of two journals (Clinical Microbiology & Infection and Ticks & Tick-Borne Diseases) and was a recipient of the W.H. Pierce prize.
Manfred Weidmann is a senior scientist at the Department of Virology of the University Medical Center Göttingen Germany. He obtained his degree from the Johannes-Gutenberg University of Mainz working on the pathogenesis of Clostridium difficille. Ever since he has worked on developing rapid diagnostic tools for the detection of arboviruses and haemorrhagic fever viruses in cooperation with partners from third world countries. He obtained the 2003 Abbot Diagnostic Award. He authored and co-authored 28 international scientific publications.