Solid State NMR
Principles, Methods, and Applications
1. Auflage Juli 2021
560 Seiten, Softcover
In one handy volume the topic of solid state NMR is presented clearly thus enabling the reader to gain a well founded knowledge easily. The book covers experimental equipment, methodological concepts and gives numerous examples in biomaterials, polymers and inorganic substances.
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Handlich, übersichtlich und umfassend: Dieses Buch deckt die theoretischen und methodischen Prinzipien der Festkörper-NMR ab und demonstriert ihre Anwendungen an zahlreichen Beispielen (Biomaterialien, Polymere, anorganische Stoffe). Abgerundet wird der zum Lernen und Nachschlagen geeignete Text durch Fachworterklärungen, Zusammenfassungen an den Kapitelenden und ein ausführliches Literaturverzeichnis.
1.1 Historical aspects
1.2 Basic Description of NMR Spectroscopy
1.3 Liquid-state NMR Spectroscopy: basic concepts
1.4 Liquid-state NMR Spectroscopy: some experiments
1.5 Solid Materials and NMR Spectroscopy
2. Mathematical and Quantum-Mechanical Tools
2.1 Definitions and basic concepts
2.2 Rotations and frame transformations
2.3 Time-independent features: energy levels and related aspects
2.4 Dealing with time-dependence
3. Nuclear Spin Interactions
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Interaction with external magnetic fields
3.3 Internal Interactions
4. Broadline NMR Spectroscopy
4.1 Introductory remarks
4.2 Finite pulse duration and adiabatic pulses
4.3 Inhomogeneous and homogeneous interactions/line broadening mechanisms
4.4 Dilute spin-½ nuclei
4.5 Abundant Spin-½ Nuclei
4.6 Quadrupolar nuclei
5. 1D high resolution solid-state NMR Spectroscopy
5.1 Dilute Spin-½ Nuclei
5.2 Abundant Spin-½ Nuclei
5.3 Quadrupolar Nuclei
6. 2D solid-state NMR Spectroscopy
6.1 Basic concepts
6.2 Experiments based on chemical shift anisotropy
6.3 Experiments based on heteronuclear dipolar coupling
6.4 Experiments based on homonuclear dipolar coupling
6.5 Experiments based on J-coupling
6.6 Experiments based on quadrupolar interaction
7. Molecular dynamics by solid state NMR
7.1 Experimental observables
7.2 Motional models
7.3 Broadline experiments
7.4 High resolution experiments
8. Application of SSNMR to selected classes of systems
8.1 Pharmaceuticals
8.2 Polymeric materials
8.3 Inorganic and organic-inorganic materials
8.4 Liquid crystals and model membranes
Klaus Müller graduated in Chemistry at the University of Freiburg. After completion of the PhD thesis in physical chemistry at the University of Stuttgart, he went for a postdoctoral stay to the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot/Israel (Dept. of Chemical Physics). He returned to the University of Stuttgart, and - upon completing his habilitation - became professor in Physical Chemistry. His main research activities were applications of solid-state NMR techniques for the characterization of different types of materials. Unexpectedly, he died in April 2011.