Nucleic Acids from A to Z
A Concise Encyclopedia

1. Auflage April 2008
350 Seiten, Hardcover
250 Abbildungen
Concise but complete, this mini-encyclopedia contains over 1,500 entries covering all important concepts, compounds, techniques and acronyms for quick and easy reference. A first-stop desktopreference for everyone from students to established researchers.
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Concise but complete, this mini-encyclopedia contains over 1,500 entries covering all important concepts, compounds, techniques and acronyms for quick and easy reference.
Guiding readers through the ever-increasing jungle of nucleic acid science and technology, the book distills the key information out of the large body of primary literature and presents it in a single volume.
A first-stop resource for everyone, from students to established researchers, as both a desktop and library reference.
nucleoside chemistry
synthetic nucelotides
nucleic acid structure
sequence analysis
oligonucleotide synthesis
nucleic acid conjugates
nucleic acid binding proteins
DNA methylation
RNA interference
therapeutic use of nucleic acids