Wiley-VCH, Weinheim Peptides from A to Z Cover This mini-encyclopedia contains brief descriptions of more than 1500 peptides, technical terms, acro.. Product #: 978-3-527-31722-6 Regular price: $154.21 $154.21 Auf Lager

Peptides from A to Z

A Concise Encyclopedia

Jakubke, Hans-Dieter / Sewald, Norbert


1. Auflage März 2008
X, 403 Seiten, Hardcover
106 Abbildungen

ISBN: 978-3-527-31722-6
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim


This mini-encyclopedia contains brief descriptions of more than 1500 peptides, technical terms, acronyms and concepts used in peptide chemistry. Includes the complete sequence of more than 800 peptides and numerous references to the scientific literature for further study.

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Peptide sind kurze Ketten von Aminosäuren, die eine Vielzahl biologischer Funktionen erfüllen. Viele Hormone sind Peptide, und viele Antibiotika sind Peptide. Peptide werden vermehrt für moderne Diagnose- und Analyseverfahren verwendet, zum Beispiel in der Proteomik. Die kompakte Enzyklopädie enthält kurze Beschreibungen von mehr als 1.500 Peptiden sowie technischen Begriffen und Abkürzungen, die in der Peptidchemie Verwendung finden. Für jedes Peptid sind die vollständige Aminosäuresequenz und das Molekülmasse erfasst. Hervorgehoben dargestellt finden sich wichtige Begriffe und Konzepte in der Peptidwissenschaft. In den Haupteinträgen gibt es immer auch Hinweise auf weiterführende wissenschaftliche Literatur.
Norbert Sewald ist Professor und Lehrstuhlinhaber an der Universität Bielefeld. Sein Hauptaugenmerk gilt der Peptidchemie und den bioaktiven Peptiden. Hans-Dieter Jakubke war Professor für Chemie an der Leipziger Universität. Er lehrte und forschte jahrzehntelang im Bereich der Peptidchemie. Sewald und Jakubke sind die Autoren des ebenfalls bei Wiley erschienenen Werkes "Peptides: Chemistry and Biolog".

This mini-encyclopedia contains more than 1500 entries in alphabetical order from the entire field of peptide science, with illustrations and carefully selected bibliography for further study.

Areas covered in the encyclopedia include:

- biological peptides and small proteins
- peptide hormones
- pharmaceutical peptides
- peptide antibiotics
- peptide inhibitors
- peptide reagents
- peptide tags
- structural classes
- synthesis and purification
- analytical methods
- proteomics and peptidomics
Hans-Dieter Jakubke studied Chemistry at the Halle University, Germany. After finishing his PhD, he moved to the University of Prague, Czechoslovakia, as a postdoctoral fellow with Professor Rudinger. As from 1970 he worked in and taught peptide chemistry at the University of Leipzig for several decades where he assumed the position as Professor of Biochemistry in 1977. He was director of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Leipzig for four years until his retirement in 1997. He is also an experienced writer, having authored several popular German language textbooks and encyclopedias on various aspects of chemistry and biochemistry.

Norbert Sewald studied Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich, Germany, where he also obtained his PhD degree. After postdoctoral work with J. E. Baldwin in Oxford, UK, he became an Assitant Professor at Leipzig University. Since 1999 he is full Professor at the University of Bielefeld where he holds the chair in Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry. His main scientific interest is in peptide chemistry and bioactive peptides. Together with Hans-Dieter Jakubke, he has written a highly acclaimed textbook on peptide chemistry and biology.

H.-D. Jakubke, University of Leipzig, Germany; N. Sewald, University of Bielefeld, Germany