Plasmonic Catalysis
From Fundamentals to Applications

1. Auflage Mai 2021
352 Seiten, Hardcover
14 Abbildungen (8 Farbabbildungen)
This reference presents the emerging field of plasmonic catalysis in a comprehensive way. All facets are included and makes it a must-have source of information for everyone working in this field.
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Introduction. Plasmonic catalysis
Theory of plasmons for catalysis and mechanisms
Optical properties of plasmonic-catalytic nanostructures
Synthesis of plasmonic nanoparticles for photo and electro catalysis
Plasmonic catalysis towards hydrogenation reactions
Plasmonic catalysis for multi-electron processes and artificial photosynthesis
Plasmonic catalysis for the N2 fixation
Photothermal effects in plasmonic catalysis
Earth-abundant plasmonic catalysts
Plasmon-enhanced electrocatalysis
Plasmonic-metals/semiconductor heterostructures
Emiliano Cortés holds a W2 tenure-track professorship at the Physics Faculty in LMU Munich and is the academic lead of the Plasmonic Chemistry Group. He is also a visiting researcher at the Chemistry Department, University College London, UK, and at the Physics Department, Imperial College London, UK. His research interests lie at the interface between chemistry and physics, and focus on the development of novel plasmonic and photonic nanomaterials and techniques, specifically for applications in light-into-chemical energy conversion.