Bioactive Natural Products
Chemistry and Biology

1. Auflage Februar 2015
XXXIV, 508 Seiten, Hardcover
300 Abbildungen (30 Farbabbildungen)
50 Tabellen
Ein multidisziplinärer Überblick über die aktuellen Themen und Zukunftstrends in der Erforschung von Naturstoffen mit Schwerpunkt auf pharmazeutischen und medizinischen Anwendungen.
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Natural compounds, which have evolved their function over millions of years, are often more efficient than man-made compounds if a specific biological activity is needed, e.g. as an enzyme inhibitor or as a toxin to kill a cancer cell. This book comprising of sixteen technical chapters, highlights the chemical and biological aspects of potential natural products with an intention of unravelling their pharmaceutical applicability in modern drug discovery processes.
The synthesis, semi-synthesis and also biosynthesis of potentially bioactive natural products are covered. It also features chemical and biological advances in naturally occurring organic compounds describing their chemical transformations, mode of actions, and structure-activity relationships. 40 expert scientists from around the world report their latest findings and outline future opportunities for the development of novel and highly potent drugs based on natural products operating at the interface of chemistry and biology.
This book is aimed at natural products chemists, medicinal chemists, biotechnologists, biochemists, pharmacologists, as well as the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries.
Use of Chemical Genomics to Investigate the Mechanism of Action for Inhibitory Bioactive Natural Compounds
High-Throughput Drug Screening Based on Cancer Signaling in Natural Product Screening
Immunosuppressants: Remarkable Microbial Products
Activators and Inhibitors of ADAM-10 for Management of Cancer and Alzheimer's Disease
Structure and Biological Activity of Polyether Ionophores and Their Semisynthetic Derivatives
Bioactive Flavaglines: Synthesis and Pharmacology
Beneficial Effect of Naturally Occurring Antioxidants against Oxidative Stress-Mediated Organ Dysfunctions
Isoquinoline Alkaloids and Their Analogs: Nucleic Acid and Protein Binding Aspects, and Therapeutic Potential for Drug Design
The Potential of Peptides and Depsipeptides from Terrestrial and Marine Organisms in the Fight against Human Protozoan Diseases
Sesquiterpene Lactones: A Versatile Class of Structurally Diverse Natural Products and Their Semisynthetic Analogs as Potential Anticancer Agents
Naturally Occurring Calanolides: Chemistry and Biology
Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs) from Plants
Introduction to the Biosynthesis and Biological Activities of Phenylpropanoids
Neuropeptides: Active Neuromodulators Involved in the Pathophysiology of Suicidal Behavior and Major Affective Disorders
From Marine Organism to Potential Drug: Using Innovative Techniques to Identify and Characterize Novel Compounds - a Bottom-Up Approach
Marine Natural Products: Biodiscovery, Biodiversity, and Bioproduction