Molecular Descriptors for Chemoinformatics
Volume I: Alphabetical Listing / Volume II: Appendices, References
Methods and Principles in Medicinal Chemistry (Band Nr. 41)

2. Auflage Juli 2009
XXXVII, 1220 Seiten, Hardcover
A unique dictionary of molecular descriptors that contains an alphabetical listing of more than 3300 descriptors and terms for chemoinformatic analysis of chemical compound properties. Includes a complete survey of the relevant literature with more than 6000 selected references.
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Unangefochten die Nummer eins: Dieses in seiner Form einzigartige Verzeichnis der molekularen Deskriptoren wurde für die Neuauflage aktualisiert und deutlich erweitert. Band 1 beinhaltet eine alphabetische Liste von mehr als 1500 (100 neu) Deskriptoren und Termen für die cheminformatische Analyse der Eigenschaften von Verbindungen, Band 2 bietet mehr als 6000 (3000 neu) Literaturverweise, ausgewählt aus 250 Zeitschriften. Um das Verständnis der Daten zu erleichtern, wurde die Einleitung neu formuliert und um Stichworterklärungen für Neueinsteiger ergänzt.
Historical Perspective
QSAR/QSPR Modeling
How to Learn From This Book
Users Guide
Notations and Symbols
Alphabetical Listing of approx. 3300 entries
Greek Alphabet Entries
Numerical Entries
Full bibliography of more than 6000 references, selected from 450 journals and covering the period from the beginning of molecular descriptor research until the year 2008
Greek alphabets
Molecular structures
Viviana Consonni received her PhD in chemical sciences from the University of Milano in 2000 and is now full researcher of chemometrics and chemoinformatics at the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Milano-Bicocca (Milano, Italy). She is a member of the Milano Chemometrics and QSAR Research Group and has 10 years experience in multivariate analysis, QSAR, molecular descriptors, multicriteria decision making, and software development. She is author of more than 40 publications in peer-reviewed journals and of the book "Handbook of Molecular Descriptors," by R. Todeschini and V. Consonni, 2000. In 2006, she obtained the International Academy of Mathematical Chemistry Award for distinguished young researchers and, in June 2009, has been elected as youngest Member of the Academy.