Plastic Waste Management
Methods and Applications

1. Auflage April 2024
448 Seiten, Hardcover
4 Abbildungen (4 Farbabbildungen)
A much needed resource that offers innovative and breakthrough developments in plastic waste management that covers a wide range of processing techniques and applications for industrial and environmental considerations.
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2) Management Strategies for Plastic Wastes: A Roadmap Towards Circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability
3) Implementation of Analytical Hierarchy Process for Developing Better Waste Collection System
4) Chapter 4: Processing and Recycling of Plastic Wastes for Sustainable Material Management
5) Chemical Recycling of Plastic Waste for Sustainable Development
6) Plastic Wastes Management and Disposal in Developing Countries: Challenges and Future Perspectives
7) Plastic Waste Management During and Post Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies
8) Biodegradation of Plastic Wastes: Mechanisms, Perspectives and Challenges
9) Conversion of Plastic Wastes into Value Added Materials: A Global Perspective
10) Plastic Waste Management in Construction Industry: Opportunities and Technological Challenges
11) Perspectives of Material Flow Analysis in Plastic Waste Management
12) Life Cycle Assessment Studies for Mitigating Plastic Waste Management
13) Technologies and Recycling Strategies of Municipal Solid Wastes: A Global Perspective
14) Management of Marine Plastic Debris: Ecotoxicity and Ecological Implications
15) Societal Awareness, Regulatory Framework and Technical Guidelines for Management of Plastic Wastes
Dr. Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai is currently an Associate Professor at Alliance University, Bangalore. He received his Ph.D. in Chemistry (Polymer Science and Technology) from Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India in the year 2012. He has research experience in various international laboratories such as Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research Dresden (IPF), Germany, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, University of Potsdam, Germany, and King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok (KMUTNB), Thailand. He has published around 130 papers in high-quality international peer-reviewed journals on polymer nanocomposites, polymer blends and alloys, and biopolymers. Also, he has published around 70 book chapters and has edited 25 books. He is a frequent invited and keynote speaker, and a reviewer for more than 70 international journals, book proposals, and international conferences. He received numerous awards and recognitions including the prestigious INSPIRE Faculty Award 2011, Kerala State Award for the Best Young Scientist 2016, and Best Researcher Award 2019 from King Mongkut?s University of Technology North Bangkok. He is named in the world?s Top 2% of the most-cited scientists in Single Year Citation Impact 2020, by Stanford University. His research interests include polymer coatings, shape memory polymers, antimicrobial polymer films, green composites, nanostructured materials, water purification, polymer blends, and high-performance composites