Organic Pollutants in the Water Cycle
Properties, Occurrence, Analysis and Environmental Relevance of Polar Compounds

1. Auflage Juli 2006
XX, 348 Seiten, Hardcover
88 Abbildungen
65 Tabellen
Here, the authors provide the first in-depth and comprehensive reference. All chapters are uniformly structured covering properties, pollution sources, occurrence in waste water, surface water, groundwater as well as water treatment aspects.
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This first in-depth and comprehensive reference on the most pertinent polar contaminant classes and their behavior in the whole water cycle includes, among others, industrial chemicals, consumer products, polar herbicides and pharmaceuticals. All chapters are uniformly structured, covering properties, pollution sources, occurrence in wastewater, surface water, and groundwater as well as water treatment aspects, while ecotoxicological and assessment aspects are also covered. Among the authors are leading experts in their relevant fields, many of whom provide here groundbreaking research results.
The result is an up-to-date information source for researchers and professionals working in water quality monitoring, water supply, or wastewater treatment, as well as environmental and water chemists, geochemists, ecologists, chemists and engineers.
Residues of Pharmaceuticals from Human Use (Thomas Heberer and Thomas Ternes)
Antibiotics for Human Use (Radka Alexy and Klaus Kümmerer)
Iodinated X-ray Contrast Media (Anke Putschew and Martin Jekel)
Veterinary Pharmaceuticals (Gerd Hamscher)
Polar Herbicides and Metabolites (Rita Fobbe, Birgit Kuhlmann, Jürgen Nolte, Gudrun Preuß, Christian Skark, and Ninette Zullei-Seibert)
Aminopolycarboxylate Complexing Agents (Carsten K. Schmidt and Heinz-Jürgen Brauch)
Amines (Hilmar Börnick and Torsten Schmidt)
Surfactant Metabolites (Thomas P. Knepper and Peter Eichhorn)
Trihalomethanes (THMs), Haloacetic Acids (HAAs), and Emerging Disinfection By-products in Drinking Water (Christian Zwiener)
Toxicology and Risk Assessment of Pharmaceuticals (Daniel R. Dietrich, Bettina C. Hitzfeld, and Evelyn O'Brien)
Assessment and Management of Chemicals - How Should Persistent Polar Pollutants be Regulated? (Klaus Günter Steinhäuser and Steffi Richter )
"Dieses Fachbuch ist wegen seiner umfassenden Behandlung der einzelnen Schadstoffgruppen für eine breite Leserschaft interessant und möchte insbesondere das Wissen über polare Schadstoffe vermehren, aber auch wesentlich zum Bewusstsein über die Probleme, die durch polare Schadstoffe entstehen können, beitragen."
Österreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft
- President of German Water Chemical Society
- Chairman of DVGW-Technical Committee on Water Treatment
- Chairman of IWA-Specialist Group on Particle Separation
- Chairman of research network "Water in Urban Areas" of the Technical University Berlin
- Editor-in-chief of "Vom Wasser - Das Journal"
Dr. Thorsten Reemtsma is Senior Researcher at the Department of Water Quality Control and Lecturer for Environmental Chemistry at the Technical University of Berlin.