Flavin-Based Catalysis
Principles and Applications
1. Auflage Juli 2021
336 Seiten, Hardcover
The book gives a unique overview of this rapidly developing research field, presenting structures and properties of flavin derivatives as well as their proven application as bioinspired catalysts in various organocatalytic, biocatalytic, and photocatalytic reactions.
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Natural flavins: occurrence, role and non-canonical chemistry
Spectral properties of flavins
Modes of flavin-based catalysis
Organocatalytic monooxygenations
Flavin-based supramolecular and coupled catalytic systems
Flavoprotein monooxygenases and halogenases
Flavoprotein-dependent bioreduction
Flavoprotein oxidases
Benzylic photooxidation by flavins
New applications of flavin photocatalysis
Light-driven flavin-based biocatalysis
Marco Fraaije is Full Professor and heading the Molecular Enzymology group at the University of Groningen (RUG) in Groningen, The Netherlands. He has authored over 200 scientific publications and received numerous scientific awards, including the BIOCAT-science award (2018). His research focuses on the discovery, engineering and exploration of redox enzymes, with special emphasis on flavin-containing enzymes. Besides exploring the biocatalytic potential of these biocatalysts, he also aims at elucidating the molecular functioning of (flavo)enzymes.