Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry
Textbook and Solutions

1. Auflage August 2017
1200 Seiten, Hardcover
471 Abbildungen (22 Farbabbildungen)
Das Lehrbuch "Fundamentals of Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry" ist zusammen mit dem Arbeitsbuch, das Lösungen zu den Übungen enthält, ideal für alle mit einem ernsthaften Interesse an dem Gebiet der Strahlendosimetrie.
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The textbook "Fundamentals of Ionizing Radition Dosimetry" bundled with the workbook containing solutions to the exercises is the perfect pair for anyone seriously interested in radiation dosimetry.
Charged-Particle Interactions with Matter
Uncharged-Particle Interactions with Matter
Field and Dosimetric Quantities, Radiation Equilibrium
Elementary Aspects of the Attenuation of Uncharged Particles
Macroscopic Aspects of the Transport of Radiation through Matter
Characterization of Radiation Quality
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Transport of Radiation through Matter
Cavity Theory
Overview of Radiation Detectors and Measurements
Primary Radiation Standards
Ionization Chambers
Chemical Dosimeters
Solid State Detector Dosimetry
Reference Dosimetry for External Beam Radiation Therapy
Dosimetry for Small and Composite Radiotherapy Photon Beams
Reference Dosimetry for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology
Absorbed Dose Determination for Radionuclides
Neutron Dosimetry