Ecohydrological Interfaces

1. Auflage November 2023
432 Seiten, Hardcover
Ecohydrological Interfaces
Comprehensive overview of the process dynamics and interactions governing ecohydrological interfaces
Summarizing the interdisciplinary investigation of ecohydrological interface functioning, Ecohydrological Interfaces advances the understanding of their dynamics across traditional subject boundaries. It offers a detailed explanation of the underlying mechanisms and process interactions governing ecohydrological interface functioning from the micro scale to the ecosystem and regional scale.
The multidisciplinary team of authors integrates and synthesises the current understanding of process dynamics at different ecohydrological interfaces to develop a unifying concept of their ecosystem functions. The work introduces novel experimental and model-based methods for characterizing and quantifying ecohydrological interface processes, taking account of innovative sensing and tracing technologies as well as microbial and molecular biology approaches.
Key questions addressed in the book include:
* Which conditions stimulate the transformative nature of ecohydrological interfaces?
* How are ecohydrological interfaces organized in space and time?
* How does interface activity propagate from small to large scales?
* How do ecohydrological interfaces react to environmental change and what is their role in processes of significant societal value?
As a research level text on the functionality and performance of ecohydrological interfaces, Ecohydrological Interfaces is primarily aimed at academics and postgraduate researchers. It is also appropriate for university libraries as further reading on a range of geographical, environmental, biological, and engineering topics.
List of Contributors ix
Section 1 1
1 Ecohydrological Interfaces as Hotspots of Ecosystem Processes 3
Stefan Krause, Jörg Lewandowski, Nancy B. Grimm, David M. Hannah, Gilles Pinay, Karlie McDonald, Eugènia Martí, Alba Argerich, Laurent Pfister, Julian Klaus, Tom Battin, Scott T. Larned, Jacob Schelker, Jan Fleckenstein, Christian Schmidt, Michael O Rivett, Glenn Watts, Francesc Sabater, Albert Sorolla, and Valentina Turk
2 Biological Activity as a Trigger of Enhanced Ecohydrological Interface Activity 29
Julian Klaus, Viktor Baranov, Jörg Lewandowski, Anne Zangerlé, and Loes van Schaik
Section 2 41
3 The Four Interfaces' Components of Riparian Zones 43
Gilles Pinay, S. Bernal, Jake Diamond, Hanieh Sayedhashemi, Benjamin Abbott, and Florentina Moatar
4 Organizational Principles of Hyporheic Exchange Flow and Biogeochemical Cycling in River Networks across Scales 63
Stefan Krause, Benjamin W. Abbott, Viktor Baranov, Susana Bernal, Phillip Blaen, Thibault Datry, Jennifer Drummond, Jan H. Fleckenstein, Jesus Gomez Velez, David M. Hannah, Julia L. A. Knapp, Marie Kurz, Jörg Lewandowski, Eugènia Martí, Clara Mendoza-Lera, Alexander Milner, Aaron Packman, Gilles Pinay, Adam S. Ward, and Jay P. Zarnetzke
5 Groundwater-Lake Interfaces 103
Jörg Lewandowski, Donald O. Rosenberry, and Karin Meinikmann
6 Coastal-Groundwater Interfaces (Submarine Groundwater Discharge) 123
Michael E. Böttcher, Ulf Mallast, Gudrun Massmann, Nils Moosdorf, Mike Müller-Petke, and Hannelore Waska
Section 3 149
7 Identifying and Quantifying Water Fluxes at Ecohydrological Interfaces 151
Christian Schmidt and Jan Fleckenstein 151
8 Heat as a Hydrological Tracer 167
Christian Schmidt, Jörg Lewandowski, J. N. Galloway, Athena Chalari, Francesco Ciocca, Stefan Krause, Laurant Pfister, and M. Antonelli
9 Sampling at Groundwater-Surface Water Interfaces 191
Jörg Lewandowski, Jonas Schaper, Michael Rivett, and Stefan Krause
10 Automated Sensing Methods for Dissolved Organic Matter and Inorganic Nutrient Monitoring in Freshwater Systems 213
Phillip J. Blaen, Kieran Khamis, Charlotte E.M. Lloyd, Chris Bradley, David Hannah, and Stefan Krause
11 Tracing Hydrological Connectivity with Aerial Diatoms 235
L. Pfister, J. Klaus, C.E. Wetzel, M. Antonelli, and N. Martínez-Carreras
12 Measurement of Metabolic Rates at the Sediment-Water Interface Using Experimental Ecosystems 245
Alba Argerich and Janine Rüegg
13 Using Diel Solute Signals to Assess Ecohydrological Processing in Lotic Systems 265
Marie J. Kurz and Julia L.A. Knapp
14 Evolving Molecular Methodologies for Monitoring Pathogenic Viruses in Ecohydrological Interfaces 297
Katarina Kova , Mukundh N. Balasubramanian, Matja? Hren, Ion Gutierrez Aguirre, and Valentina Turk
Section 4 331
15 Global Environmental Pressures 333
Glenn Watts 333
16 Restoring the Liver of the River: Actionable Research Insights to Guide the Restoration of the Hyporheic Zone for the Improvement of Water Quality 355
Ben Christopher Howard, Ian Baker, Mike Blackmore, Nicholas Kettridge, Sami Ullah, and Stefan Krause
Index 391
David M. Hannah, School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Science, University of Birmingham, UK.
Nancy B. Grimm, School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, USA.