Synthesis, Properties and Applications

1. Auflage September 2022
560 Seiten, Hardcover
615 Abbildungen (365 Farbabbildungen)
Wiley-VCH, Weinheim
World-leading experts comprehensively present the exciting field of helicene chemistry from synthesis to applications.
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Photochemical Approach to Helicenes
Synthesis of Helicenes by [2+2+2] Cycloisomerization
Enantioselective Synthesis of Helicenes
Cationic Azahelicenes
Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry of Helicenes
Tetrathiahelicenes: An Infinite Source of Inspiration
Synthesis and Properties of Helicenes with Small Numbers of Benzene Rings
Halogenated Helicenes as Precursors for Multihelicenic Platforms
Helical Nanographenes: Synthetic and Chiroptical Achievements
Helicenic Electron Acceptors
Chiroptical Properties of Helicenes - Historical Perspective and Structure-property Relationships
Photophysical and Chiroptical Properties of Helicene-based Systems: Experiment vs. Theory
Helicene Derivatives with Circularly Polarized Luminescence
Helicenes and Nonlinear Optical Properties: A Good Match?
Helicenes for Optoelectronic Devices and Applications
Miscellaneous Applications of Helicenes: Surface Science and Asymmetric Catalysis
Synthesis of Helicenes by [2+2+2] Cycloisomerization
Enantioselective Synthesis of Helicenes
Cationic Azahelicenes
Organometallic and Coordination Chemistry of Helicenes
Tetrathiahelicenes: An Infinite Source of Inspiration
Synthesis and Properties of Helicenes with Small Numbers of Benzene Rings
Halogenated Helicenes as Precursors for Multihelicenic Platforms
Helical Nanographenes: Synthetic and Chiroptical Achievements
Helicenic Electron Acceptors
Chiroptical Properties of Helicenes - Historical Perspective and Structure-property Relationships
Photophysical and Chiroptical Properties of Helicene-based Systems: Experiment vs. Theory
Helicene Derivatives with Circularly Polarized Luminescence
Helicenes and Nonlinear Optical Properties: A Good Match?
Helicenes for Optoelectronic Devices and Applications
Miscellaneous Applications of Helicenes: Surface Science and Asymmetric Catalysis
Dr. Jeanne Crassous (née Costante) is currently Director of Research at the CNRS (University of Rennes). In 2013, she became a distinguished member of French Chemical Society (Société Chimique de France, SCF). Her group is dealing with many fields related to chirality (organometallic and heteroatomic helicenes, fundamental aspects of chirality such as parity violation effects, chiroptical activity such as electronic and vibrational circular dichroism and circularly polarized luminescence). She has published more than 110 papers and a French monography on the Stereochemistry of Chiral Molecules. She is responsible for a National Network on "Chirality and Multifunctionality".
Dr. Irena G. Stará is currently a senior scientist and project leader at the IOCB Prague, chair of the board of trustees of the Experientia Foundation, member of the International Advisory Board of the International Symposiums on Novel Aromatics and member of the Advisory Board for the French-Czech Vltava Chemistry Meetings. Her current research interests center on chiral aromatics and their application to catalysis, chiro-, and nanoscience. She published around 90 papers.
Dr. Ivo Stary is a senior group leader at the IOCB Prague. Education: MSc (1984, Charles University Prague, Czechoslovakia), PhD (1990, Prof. P. Kocovsk?, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague), postdoc (1993/1994, Prof. E. P. Kündig, University of Geneva, Switzerland). Awards: Alfred Bader Award for organic chemistry (1994), IOCF Yoshida Lectureship, Japan (2016), Elected member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic (2017), Rudolf Lukes Award (2018). His current research interests center on the development of new synthetic methods, chirality, and molecular devices. He published around 100 papers.
Dr. Irena G. Stará is currently a senior scientist and project leader at the IOCB Prague, chair of the board of trustees of the Experientia Foundation, member of the International Advisory Board of the International Symposiums on Novel Aromatics and member of the Advisory Board for the French-Czech Vltava Chemistry Meetings. Her current research interests center on chiral aromatics and their application to catalysis, chiro-, and nanoscience. She published around 90 papers.
Dr. Ivo Stary is a senior group leader at the IOCB Prague. Education: MSc (1984, Charles University Prague, Czechoslovakia), PhD (1990, Prof. P. Kocovsk?, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague), postdoc (1993/1994, Prof. E. P. Kündig, University of Geneva, Switzerland). Awards: Alfred Bader Award for organic chemistry (1994), IOCF Yoshida Lectureship, Japan (2016), Elected member of the Learned Society of the Czech Republic (2017), Rudolf Lukes Award (2018). His current research interests center on the development of new synthetic methods, chirality, and molecular devices. He published around 100 papers.