Organic Crop Breeding

1. Auflage Februar 2012
308 Seiten, Hardcover
Organic Crop Breeding provides readers with a thorough review of the latest efforts by crop breeders and geneticists to develop improved varieties for organic production. The book opens with chapters looking at breeding efforts that focus on specific valuable traits such as quality, pest and disease resistance as well as the impacts improved breeding efforts can have on organic production. The second part of the book is a series of crop specific case studies that look at breeding efforts currently underway from around the world in crops ranging from carrots to corn. Organic Crop Breeding includes chapters from leading researchers in the field and is carefully edited by two pioneers in the field.
Organic Crop Breeding provides valuable insight for crop breeders, geneticist, crop science professionals, researchers, and advanced students in this quickly emerging field.
William F. Tracy
Edith T. Lammerts van Bueren and James R. Myers
Section 1 General Topics Related to Organic Plant Breeding
Chapter 1 Organic Crop Breeding: Integrating Organic Agricultural Approaches and Traditional and Modern Plant Breeding Methods
Edith T. Lammerts van Bueren and James R. Myers
How Different Are Organic Farming Systems?
Consequences for Cultivar Requirements
From Cultivar Evaluation to Organic Seed Production and Plant Breeding Programs
The History of Organic Crop Breeding in Europe and the United States
Perspectives and Challenges for Breeding for Organic Agriculture
Chapter 2 Nutrient Management in Organic Farming and Consequences for Direct and Indirect Selection Strategies
Monika Messmer, Isabell Hildermann, Kristian Thorup-Kristensen, and Zed Rengel
Availability of Nutrients in Organic Farming
Roots: The Hidden Potential
Even Greater Complexity: Plant-Microbe-Soil Interactions
Importance of Selection Environments
Breeding Strategies
Chapter 3 Pest and Disease Management in Organic Farming: Implications and Inspirations for Plant Breeding
Thomas F. D¨oring, Marco Pautasso, Martin S. Wolfe, and Maria R. Finckh
Plant Protection in Organic Farming
Key Target Areas of Plant Breeding for Organic Plant Protection
Breeding Goals for Ecological Plant Protection
Plant Breeding Approaches Directly Targeting Pests or Diseases
Plant Breeding Approaches with Indirect Effects on Plant Health
Discussion and Conclusions
Chapter 4 Approaches to Breed for Improved Weed Suppression in Organically Grown Cereals
Steve P. Hoad, Nils-Øve Bertholdsson, Daniel Neuhoff, and Ulrich K¨opke
Crop Competitiveness Against Weeds
Crop Traits Involved in Weed Suppression
Selection of Traits and Their Evaluation in Plant Breeding Programs
Selection Strategies
Understanding Crop-Weed Interactions to Assist Plant Breeding
Concluding Remarks and Wider Perspectives
Chapter 5 Breeding for Genetically Diverse Populations: Variety Mixtures and Evolutionary Populations
Julie C. Dawson and Isabelle Goldringer
Benefits of Genetic Diversity for Organic Agriculture
On-Farm Conservation of Useful Genetic Diversity
Breeding Strategies
Chapter 6 Centralized or Decentralized Breeding: The Potentials of Participatory Approaches for Low-Input and Organic Agriculture
Dominique Desclaux, Salvatore Ceccarelli, John Navazio, Micaela Coley, Gilles Trouche, Silvio Aguirre, Eva Weltzien, and Jacques Lanc¸on
Centralized and Decentralized Breeding: Definitions
What Can Be Decentralized in Breeding and Why?
Participatory Approaches
PPB: A Single Term Yielding Different Approaches
Some Examples of PPB for Organic and Low Input Agriculture in Southern Countries
Some Examples of PPB for Organic and Low Input Agriculture in Northern Countries
General Conclusions and Limits of PPB Approaches in Organic Farming
Chapter 7 Values and Principles in Organic Farming and Consequences for Breeding Approaches and Techniques
Klaus P. Wilbois, Brian Baker, Maaike Raaijmakers, and Edith T. Lammerts van Bueren
Arguments Against Genetic Engineering
Organic Basic Principles
Toward Organic Breeding
From Values to Criteria: Evaluation of Breeding Techniques
How to Deal with Varieties Bred with Non-compliant Techniques?
Toward Appropriate Standards to Promote Organic Plant Breeding
Discussion and Challenges for Organic Plant Breeding
Chapter 8 Plant Breeding, Variety Release, and Seed Commercialization: Laws and Policies Applied to the Organic Sector
Veronique Chable, Niels Louwaars, Kristina Hubbard, Brian Baker, and Riccardo Bocci
The Developments of Plant Breeding and the Emergence of Seed Laws
Variety Registration
Seed Quality Control and Certification
Special Needs for Organic Agriculture
A Recent Development in Europe: Conservation Varieties
Intellectual Property Rights and Plant Breeding
Section 2 Organic Plant Breeding in Specific Crops
Chapter 9 Wheat: Breeding for Organic Farming Systems
Matt Arterburn, Kevin Murphy, and Steve S. Jones
Traits for Selection in Organic Breeding Programs
A Case Study for EPB: Lexi's Project
A Case Study for Breeding within a Supply Chain Approach: Peter Kunz and Sativa
Chapter 10 Maize: Breeding and Field Testing for Organic Farmers
Walter A. Goldstein, Walter Schmidt, Henriette Burger, Monika Messmer, Linda M. Pollak, Margaret E. Smith, Major M. Goodman, Frank J. Kutka, and Richard C. Pratt
What Kind of Maize do Organic Farmers Want?
Are There Viable Alternatives to Single Cross Hybrids?
Testing and Using Alternative Hybrids
Are There Benefits for Breeding under Organic Conditions?
For Which Traits Is It Necessary to Test under Organic Conditions?
Choice of Parents for Breeding Programs
Breeding Programs
Future Directions
Chapter 11 Rice: Crop Breeding Using Farmer-Led Participatory Plant Breeding
Charito P. Medina
MASIPAG and Participatory Rice Breeding
Beyond PPB: Farmer-Led Rice Breeding
The Breeding Process
Outcomes of the MASIPAG Program
Chapter 12 Soybean: Breeding for Organic Farming Systems
Johann Vollmann and Michelle Menken
Agronomic Characters
Seed Quality Features
Considerations on Breeding Methods
Chapter 13 Faba Bean: Breeding for Organic Farming Systems
Wolfgang Link and Lamiae Ghaouti
Purposes of Breeding and Growing Faba Bean
Genetic and Botanical Basics of Breeding Faba Bean
Methodological Considerations
Traits To Be Improved in Faba Bean Breeding
Open Questions, Need for Action
Chapter 14 Potato: Perspectives to Breed for an Organic Crop Ideotype
Marjolein Tiemens-Hulscher, Edith T. Lammerts van Bueren, and Ronald C.B. Hutten
Required Cultivar Characteristics
Introgression Breeding and Applied Techniques
Participatory Approach: An Example from the Netherlands
Chapter 15 Tomato: Breeding for Improved Disease Resistance in Fresh Market and Home Garden Varieties
Bernd Horneburg and James R. Myers
Botanical and Genetic Characteristics of Tomato
Rationale for Breeding Tomatoes within Organic Systems
Breeding Needs with Focus on Organic Production
Case Studies: Breeding for Late Blight Resistance in Europe and North America
Chapter 16 Brassicas: Breeding Cole Crops for Organic Agriculture
James R. Myers, Laurie McKenzie, and Roeland E. Voorrips
Rationale for Breeding within Organic Systems
Plant Biology
Traits Needed for Adaptation to Organic Production
Consideration of Breeding Methods
A Farmer Participatory Broccoli Breeding Program
Chapter 17 Onions: Breeding Onions for Low-Input and Organic Agriculture
Olga E. Scholten and Thomas W. Kuyper
Robust Onion Cultivars
Breeding for Improved Nutrient Acquisition
Mycorrhizal Symbiosis and Product Quality
James R. Myers is the Baggett-Frazier Professor of Vegetable Breeding and Genetics in the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University.