Nanophysics of Solar and Renewable Energy
1. Auflage September 2012
XII, 258 Seiten, Hardcover
126 Abbildungen
5 Tabellen
The book starts with solar fusion, turning to on-earth fusion reactors based on seawater deuterium, then to solar cells to harvest sun's energy. Physics concepts and technology are followed by brief economic analysis and predictions.
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Dieses leicht zugängliche Lehrbuch bietet einen Überblick über die Umwandlung von Solarenergie in elektrische Energie. Der Verfasser stellt grüne Technologien vor wie Solarthermie und Brennstoffzellen und geht auch das Thema Kernfusion an. Der Schwerpunkt liegt aber eindeutig auf der Stromerzeugung durch Photovoltaik und den zugrundeliegenden Prinzipien und Herstellungsmethoden.
Immer wieder finden sich sorgsam ausgewählte, aktuelle Beispiele, die wichtige Konzepte und Forschungsansätze illustrieren. Als erfahrener Dozent gibt Edward Wolf eine Einführung in die Konzepte der Quanten- und Atomphysik sowie der Festkörperphysik. Diese Grundlagen sind wichtig für ein quantitatives Verständnis des Status Quo in diesem Fachgebiet.
Das Buch ist in sich geschlossen und gut geeignet für Studenten der Physik, Chemie und Ingenieurwissenschaften. Aufgrund der Diskussion der ökonomischen Aspekte wird das Buch auch Leser ansprechen, die eine Karriere im Bereich der Alternativen Energien anstreben.
Ch. 1 A Survey of Long Term Energy Resources
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Direct Solar Influx
1.3 Secondary Solar Driven Sources
1.4 Earth-based Long-term Energy Resources
1.5 Plan of This Book
Ch. 2 Physics of Nuclear Fusion: the Source of All Solar-related Energy
2.1 Protons in the sun's core
2.2 Schrodinger's Equation for the motion of particles
2.3 Protons and Neutrons and Their Binding
2.4 Gamow's Tunneling Model applied to fusion in the sun's core
2.5 A Survey of Nuclear Properties
Ch. 3 Atoms, Molecules and Semiconductor Devices
3.1 Bohr's Model of the Hydrogen Atom
3.2 Charge Motion in Periodic Potentials
3.3 Energy Bands and Gaps
3.4 Atoms, Molecules and the Covalent Bond
3.5 Tetrahedral Bonding in Silicon and Related Semiconductors
3.6 Donor and Acceptor Impurities, charge concentrations
3.7 The pn junction, diode I-V characteristic, photovoltaic cell
3.8. Metals and Plasmas
Ch. 4 Terrestrial Approaches to Fusion Energy
4.1 Deuterium Fusion Demonstration Based on Field Ionization
4.2 Deuterium Fusion Demonstration Based on Muonic Hydrogen
4.3 Deuterium Fusion Demonstration in Larger-Scale Plasma Reactors
Ch. 5 Introduction to Solar Energy Conversion
5.1 Sun as an Energy Source, Spectrum on Earth
5.2 Heat Engines and Thermodynamics, Carnot Efficiency
5.3 Solar Thermal Electric Power
5.4 Generations of Photovoltaic Solar Cells
5.5 Utilizing Solar Power with Photovoltaics: the rooftops of New York
5.6 Utilizing Solar Power with Photovoltaics: the possibility of space-based solar power
Ch. 6 Solar Cells Based on Single pn Junctions
6.1 Single Junction Cells
6.2 Single-crystal vs. Thin-film cells, Si vs. CdTe
6.3 CuInGaSe (CIGS) Thin Film Solar Cells
6.4 Thin Film CdTe Cells
6.5 Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
6.6 Polymer Organic Solar Cells
Ch. 7 Multi-Junction and Energy Concentrating Solar Cells
7.1 Tandem Cells, Premium and Low Cost
7.2 Organic Molecules as Solar Concentrators
7.3 Spectral splitting cells
7.4. Summary and Comments on efficiency
7.5 A Niche Application of concentrating cells
Ch. 8 Third Generation Concepts, Survey of Efficiency
8.1 Intermediate Band Cells
8.2 Impact Ionization and Carrier Multiplication
8.3 Ferromagnetic Materials for Solar Conversion
8.4 Efficiencies: Three Generations of Cells
Ch. 9 Cells for Hydrogen Generation; Aspects of Hydrogen Storage
9.1 Efficient Photo-catalytic Dissociation of Water into Hydrogen and Oxygen
9.2 Hydrogen Fuel Cell Status
9.3 Storage and Transport of Hydrogen as a Potential Fuel
9.4 Surface Adsorption for Storing Hydrogen in High Density
9.5 Economics of Hydrogen at Present
Ch. 10 Large Scale Fabrication, Learning Curves, Economics including Storage
10.1 Fabrication methods vary but have similar learning curves
10.2 Learning Strategies for Module Cost
10.3 Thin film cells, Nano-inks for Printing Solar Cells
10.4 Large-scale Scenario Based on Thin Film CdTe or CIGS Cells
10.5 Comparison of Solar Power vs. Wind Power
10.6 The Importance of Storage and Grid Management to Large Scale Utilization
10.7 Opportunities for higher efficiency in total energy use
Ch. 11 Prospects for Solar and Renewable Power
11.1 Rapid Growth in Solar and Wind Power
11.2 Renewable Energy beyond Solar and Wind
11.3 The Legacy World, Developing Countries, and the Third World
11.4 Can Energy supply meet demand in the longer future?
Useful Information